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Results for 'climate'

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International Day of Peace 2019

Each year the International Day of Peace is celebrated all over the world on 21 September.

  • feature 20 Sept 2019
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Somalia: I4P and inclusive dialogue in Galmudug State

The project seeks to support Infrastructures for Peace (I4P) and raise awareness on the nexus between climate change and conflict.

  • Past Project 2021 - 2022
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Jugend im Austausch über Klimawandel und nachhaltigen Frieden

Wir schaffen virtuelle Begegnungsräume und Lernformate für Jugendliche aus Baden-Württemberg und aus verschiedenen Ländern der Welt, um gemeinsam dem Klimawandel zu begegnen.

  • Current Project
Village at the top of Ibb mountains in Yemen

Video: Yemen and its environment

Watch a video of our online panel discussion on the environmental dimensions to conflict and peacebuilding in Yemen.

  • event 2 Mar 2022
Village at the top of Ibb mountains in Yemen

فيديو: اليمن والبيئة ، جلسة مناقشة الكترونية

شاركنا في حلقة نقاش إلكترونية حول الأبعاد البيئية للنزاع وبناء السلام في اليمن.

  • event 2 Mar 2022
Demonstration, Medellin, Colombia 2015

Peaceful protest movementsChallenges of nonviolent resistance

Online panel discussion with activists and experts on nonviolent action.

  • event 3 Mar 2022
Demonstration, Medellin, Colombia 2015

Movimientos de protesta pacíficaLos retos de la resistencia no violenta

Panel de discusión en línea sobre los movimientos de protesta pacífica y los retos de la resistencia no violenta.

  • event 3 Mar 2022
Demonstration, Medellin, Colombia 2015

Мирные протестные движенияВызовы ненасильственного сопротивления

Присоединяйтесь к он-лайн встрече на тему Мирные Протестные Движения и Вызовы Ненасильственного Сопротивления.

  • event 3 Mar 2022
Workshop in Balad, Somalia

Video: Panel discussion about Somalia's electionsKey priorities for the new Somali government

Watch a video of our online panel discussion on the challenges and plans for the future Somali government.

  • event 15 Mar 2022
Protest in Odessa, Ukraine 2022

Video: Exploring pathways to peace for UkraineOptions for peacebuilding in the context of the ongoing war

Watch our online discussion on possible solutions for the conflict in Ukraine.

  • event 7 Apr 2022
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