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Results for 'climate'

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Climate Change and Conflict in Hadhramawt and Al Mahra

Based on interviews conducted in two Yemeni governorates hit hard by the effects of climate change, Helen Lackner identifies the key environmental issues facing the populations of Hadhramawt and Al Mahra today. The report shows how they are connected to conflict in the two governorates, and explores what local authorities, communities and international actors are doing and can do in the future to mitigate the impacts of climate change and better manage the conflicts that derive from it.

  • Year 2021
  • Author(s) Helen Lackner
Boys play in a dried up dam in Khawlan, Yemen, one of the world's most water-stressed countries, where climate change-induced drought and the lack of sustainable water supplies prevail.

How local authorities in Yemen respond to the effects of the climate crisis

Local authorities gathered at a conference in Mukalla, Yemen in order to develop responses to environmental degradation.

  • blog post 5 Dec 2023
  • Author(s) Hasan Shujaa
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ئاڵنگارییەکانی ئاسایشی کەش و هەوا لە عیراقخاڵاکانی دەستپێکی بۆ گفتوگۆ لەسەر ئاستی ناوخۆیی

عێراق خەریکە هەست بە قورسایی گۆڕانی کەشوهەوا و زیادبوونی مەترسییە ئەمنییەکانی پەیوەست بە کەشوهەواوە دەکات.

  • Year 2023

How can the harms caused by climate change be addressed?A dialogue between transitional justice and climate justice

During our third dialogue event, we discussed the challenges and opportunities of providing remedies for the loss and damage that climate change is causing.

  • feature 28 Mar 2024
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Video: Climate change impacts on conflict

Watch a video of our online event featuring an expert discussion on how to move to action on climate change and conflict dynamics.

  • event 25 Feb 2021
An Iraqi man walks on the dry banks of the Diyala River

Addressing climate-security risks in IraqTowards COP27: Our article series on climate and conflict

Many regions in Iraq are facing acute water shortages. Inclusive dialogue settings and climate-focused mediation can help with responding to such climate risks.

  • feature 2 Nov 2022
A Somali woman carrying water in a refugee camp

Mitigating the climate crisis in SomaliaTowards COP27: Our article series on climate and conflict

Climate change is already a terrifying reality in Somalia. A combination of mitigation strategies and peaceful adaptation can help reduce threats to communities.

  • feature 4 Nov 2022
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Climate change effects on conflict dynamics in IraqStudy of Makhmur, Tal Afar, and Al-Rifai districts

The negative effects of climate change and the security risks associated with it are beginning to register across Iraq. Over the past decade, the rise in extreme weather events, such as high temperatures, droughts, desertification, flooding, and sand and dust storms, has caused various severe consequences, including water scarcity, loss of economic livelihoods (particularly for those relying on the agricultural sector), climateinduced displacement and migration, and a rise in food insecurity.

  • Year 2023
A family in their house in Bangladesh next to a wind farm.

Ways to mitigate the impact of climate change on conflictSpeech by Andrew Gilmour at the Human Rights and Science Symposium

At the 9th Human Rights and Science Symposium, our Executive Director Andrew Gilmour spoke on minimising the risk of climate change on conflict and human rights.

  • feature 1 Nov 2021
Girls in Bangladesh at a climate protest 2019

Video: Gender-climate-conflictKey considerations for sustainable peace

Watch a video from our online panel on the triple nexus and the role of international organisations.

  • event 30 Mar 2022
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