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Results for 'climate'

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Yemen and the COP26: It is time for adequate climate reparations

Yemen is suffering disproportionally from the effects of climate change. COP26 shows that the international community is falling short of helping those in need.

  • feature 13 Jan 2022
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Supporting climate-focused local-level dialogues in Iraq

Building on climate-focused mediation and peacebuilding, the project aims to support local-level dialogue to address climate security risks in Iraq.

  • Past Project 2024 - 2024
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National Dialogues at crossroads: A seriesNational Dialogues x Climate Change

Over the next decades, climate change will profoundly affect the socio-ecological systems that underpin human societies and result in fundamental social change. Besides its potential to stir tensions or exacerbate violent conflicts, in some contexts, it may provide space for political actors to address long-standing tensions around natural resources or to build new alliances in order to address environmental challenges. But when might a National Dialogue be an appropriate tool to address climate change? Read more about the complex relationship between climate change and National Dialogue processes in this paper.

  • Year 2023
  • Author(s) McKenzie Johnson
Andrew Gilmour

"Climate change and conflict are coming together in new ways that we are only beginning to understand."

The implications of climate change drive mass migration and conflict. A reset in attitudes is crucial for navigating challenges peacefully.

  • blog post 3 Apr 2024
  • Author(s) Andrew Gilmour
In Somalia, climate change impacts from droughts and floods pose the most severe hazards to the country.

Climate compass: Navigating mediation challenges in a warming world

The task of integrating climate awareness into peacebuilding processes is not always easy. Read our climate expert Thomas Ritzer's guide to climate-smart mediation.

  • blog post 28 May 2024
  • Author(s) Thomas Ritzer
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Climate-focused mediation and peacebuilding in Iraq

This project focuses on climate-focused mediation and peacebuilding in different districts throughout Iraq.

  • Current Project
Publication Cover Image

تحدّيات الأمن المناخي في العراقنقاط الدخول لحوارٍ على المستوي المحلّّي

بدأ العراق يشعر بوطأة تغ رُّالمناخ وزيادة المخاطرالأمنية ذات الصلة.

  • Year 2023
Eucalyptus plant taking root on sand dunes near Lompoul. In an effort to prevent the desert from engulfing  fertile land, the Government has undertaken tree-planting projects such as this with help from UN Environment  Programme and the UN Development Programme (UNDP). 1983.

Video | Event series: National Dialogues at crossroadsNational Dialogues x Climate Change

Watch our video to learn more about the opportunities and challenges for National Dialogues to contribute to mitigating climate-related social or political crises.

  • event 24 Jan 2024
News Story Image

Video: Making peace with the climate

Watch a video of our online event featuring an expert discussion on water conflicts and conflict resolution approaches.

  • event 22 Mar 2021
Aerial view of dry lands

Time for climate-sensitive conflict transformationComplex crises need complex responses

When climate change is labelled a ‘conflict driver’, socioeconomic and political circumstances are easily overlooked.

  • blog post 16 Mar 2021
  • Author(s) Nora Rathje
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