22 Nov 2023
National Dialogues at crossroads: A series
National Dialogues x Climate Change

Over the next decades, climate change will profoundly affect the socio-ecological systems that underpin human societies and result in fundamental social change. Besides its potential to stir tensions or exacerbate violent conflicts, in some contexts, it may provide space for political actors to address long-standing tensions around natural resources or to build new alliances in order to address environmental challenges. But when might a National Dialogue be an appropriate tool to address climate change? Read more about the complex relationship between climate change and National Dialogue processes in this paper.
McKenzie Johnson
Over the last two decades, National Dialogues have been increasingly recognised as a comprehensive tool for preventing violent conflicts and reaching inclusive political settlements. However, questions remain open on how to best integrate certain topics in the design of National Dialogues and how to meaningfully include specific societal groups. The series “National Dialogues at crossroads” aims at addressing this gap. It compiles lessons learned and recommendations on four cross-cutting issues: climate change, digitalisation, protest movements, and Transitional Justice.
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