
The latest news and commentary from the Berghof Foundation.

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  • 231 News articles
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Video: Platforms in conflictThe role of social media for conflict and peace

Watch our panel discussion (in German) on how social media has polarised societies, how to govern platforms and how to utilise them for peace.

  • event 28 Jul 2021
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Yemen – A multi-track approach

We support the peace process in Yemen through a multi-track approach, engaging national, regional, and local actors to overcome divisions through inclusive dialogue.

  • feature 19 Jul 2021
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Video: Georgian-Abkhaz conflictHow to regain confidence

Watch a video of our panel discussion on confidence-building in the Caucasus.

  • event 30 Jun 2021
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Seven lessons for inclusive local governance and peacebuilding in YemenInternational support to local governance

These emerging lessons can help inform Yemeni policy makers thinking about local governance and international actors looking to mitigate the impact of conflict.

  • blog post 29 Jun 2021
  • Author(s) Katharina Jautz, Joshua Rogers
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Video: Beyond menChallenging gendered dynamics of conflict transformation

Watch a video of our panel discussion on the role of gender in peace and conflict.

  • event 22 Jun 2021
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Germany’s longest military mission endsWhat was achieved – and will remain for Afghanistan?

As Germany withdraws its forces from Afghanistan after nearly 20 years, what was achieved – and what will remain?

  • blog post 21 Jun 2021
  • Author(s) Hans-Joachim Giessmann
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Video: Constituent ChilePanel on international experiences of dialogues and constituent processes

Watch a video of a peer exchange on constituent processes with the Nansen Center.

  • event 17 Jun 2021
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Perspectives from IndiaPanel discussion on conflict transformation in a multipolar world

In this free event, distinguished experts and practitioners from India shared insights on India as an actor in the international peacebuilding scene.

  • event 16 Jun 2021
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Oman: Bridging to peace

In a new paper, Professor Abdullah Baabood examines Oman’s role in brokering peace in its neighbour, Yemen.

  • feature 16 Jun 2021

Friedensmediation Wirksamkeit erhöhen, Engagement ausbauenPositionspapier der Initiative Mediation Support Deutschland (IMSD) [1] zur Bundestagswahl 2021

Deutschland sollte in der kommenden Legislatur sein Engagement zur Bearbeitung von Konflikten durch Friedensmediation weiter akzentuieren und ausbauen.

  • press release 10 Jun 2021
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