The latest news and commentary from the Berghof Foundation.

2-month extension of truce in Yemen and meeting with conflict parties in Montreux
Together with our partner PDF Yemen we held a dialogue meeting with representatives of all Yemeni conflict parties to discuss strengthening the current truce.
- feature 15 Jun 2022

Video: Breaking the vicious cycleHow can anti-corruption measures be integrated in peace processes?
Watch a video of our online discussion about anti-corruption entry points in peacebuilding.
- event 9 Jun 2022

Streitkultur 3.0 gewinnt BildungspreisInterview mit Preisträgerinnen Nicole Rieber und Carolin Sokele
Unser Projekt für digitale Streitkultur 3.0 gewinnt den Bernhard-Vogel-Preis-Bildungspreis der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.
- feature 9 Jun 2022

Conflict transformation agendas need more robust anti-corruption efforts
Anti-corruption practitioners and peacebuilders need to work together to secure a durable peace.
- blog post 18 May 2022
- Author(s) David Jackson, Ulrike Hopp-Nishanka, Joshua Rogers, Calum Humphreys

Governors take centre stage in new presidential council
New presidential council in Yemen highlights central role of local governance.
- feature 17 May 2022

Asking my sisters: Film and booklet releasedVoices of female ex-combatants and their daughters from Mindanao
Experience the stories of two generations of women when female ex-combatants and their daughters share their stories.
- feature 11 May 2022

Women in armed conflict and peace negotiationsBerghof in conversation with the street magazine Karuna Kompass
Peace agreements are measurably more sustainable when women are involved early.
- feature 9 May 2022

Berghof Foundation ist neues Mitglied der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Frieden und Entwicklung (FriEnt)
Die Berghof Foundation ergänzt die Arbeitsgemeinschaft als neues Mitglied durch zusätzliche Kompetenzen in Konfliktforschung und Friedensförderung.
- feature 4 May 2022

Peaceful protest movements: Challenges for nonviolent resistance and international support
During our online event we identified similarities of nonviolent movements and gained key insights for successful international support.
- feature 3 May 2022

Priorities for the new Somali governmentPolicy recommendations for after the elections
Looking ahead we have drafted four recommendations for the new Somali government to take into consideration.
- feature 20 Apr 2022