
The latest news and commentary from the Berghof Foundation.

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  • 231 News articles
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"Peace education is not a trouble shooter".Recommendations for the future of peace education

A study by the Berghof Foundation shows that peace education is more important than ever. Its approaches must be structurally anchored in the education system.

  • feature 4 Oct 2022
A picture of the historic Cairo Castle overlooking the city of Taiz, Yemen.

Video: Where next for peacebuilding in YemenReflections from a decade of political dialogue support

Watch the video of our online panel discussion where experts reflected on our work in Yemen over the past ten years, and what’s next.

  • event 28 Sept 2022
Inclusive processes involve actors from differing backgrounds and perspectives to all be included in decision-making.

Why inclusivity mattersPerspectives from our staff on International Day of Peace 2022

Including all groups of society is essential to achieving peace. On this year’s Peace Day, we take a closer look at inclusivity in peace processes.

  • feature 21 Sept 2022
Abstract painting.

Feminist foreign policy must be about justice and participation

Shifting power asymmetries, systemic reflection and inclusivity should be key to a feminist foreign policy.

  • blog post 12 Sept 2022
  • Author(s) Beatrix Austin
Afghan families protesting at UNHCR in New Delhi to be given refugee status in India.

One year after the fall of Kabul: Why the West should talk with the Taliban

In his op-ed for German magazine "Der Spiegel", our Executive Director argues for constructive dialogue in Afghanistan.

  • blog post 11 Aug 2022
  • Author(s) Andrew Gilmour
A ceramic rooster on top of a kitchen cabinet that survived aerial bombing in Borodianka. The rooster became a symbol of resistance for many Ukrainians.

Peace for Ukrainians means their own resilience to withstand aggression:Interview with Ukrainian peace researcher Tetiana Kyselova

To support Ukrainian peacebuilders, international organisations need to listen to local activists and their needs.

  • feature 3 Aug 2022
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The future of transitional justiceHow the field can remain effective in challenging times

During our first ‘dialogue on transitional justice’ we addressed how practitioners can effectively respond to the many challenges transitional justice faces today.

  • feature 21 Jul 2022
United Nation's ONUCA demobilises Nicaraguan resistance forces in Honduras |

From combatants to politiciansHow peacebuilders can support the political transformation of armed groups

Together with the United Nation's DDR Section, we support formerly armed groups in becoming peaceful political parties after wars.

  • feature 8 Jul 2022
A bridge from below |

Video: Transitioning to the futureWhat's next for transitional justice in challenging times?

Watch a video of our online discussion on the future of transitional justice

  • event 5 Jul 2022
Community Dialouge in Somalia, Galmadug

Video: Human rights and conflict mediationExploring the link

Watch a video of our online discussion on the integration and role of human rights in mediation and peace processes.

  • event 22 Jun 2022
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