
The latest news and commentary from the Berghof Foundation.

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Event on gender-transformative approaches to transitional justice

Video: Enabling changeGender-transformative approaches to transitional justice

Watch a recording of our event on gender-transformative approaches to transitional justice.

  • event 19 Jan 2023
Painter Lynne Cameron talks with Berghof staff about art and conflict transformation.

Transformation through artA talk between artists and peacebuilders

Inspired by a recent artist residency, Berghof colleagues discuss with painter Lynne Cameron how art creates space for conflict transformation.

  • feature 28 Dec 2022
Mural on the so-called "revolution building" in the city of Tripoli, northern Lebanon.

Violent extremism cannot be countered by governments aloneResults from our PAVE research project

The international research project PAVE launches policy recommendations for governments, civil society leaders, and international policy makers on 7 countries.

  • feature 22 Dec 2022
For the first time since 2015, directors of financial and zakat authorities from several governorates met in the city of Aden.

How to respond to local needs during war:An example from Yemen

For the first time in years, representatives of local authorities from several Yemeni governorates met to discuss how they can improve their response to local needs.

  • blog post 21 Dec 2022
  • Author(s) Hasan Shujaa
Mural in the city centre of Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine that is called "Volunteer kindness".

Divided or united?The impact of war on Ukrainian national identity

Our consultant Mariia Levchenko interviewed civil society activists across Ukraine on the impact of war on Ukrainian national identity.

  • blog post 20 Dec 2022
  • Author(s) Mariia Levchenko
Thousands attended demonstrations in the Basque country in 2017 holding up signs of the activists group “Artisans Of Peace” who worked as peace brokers during the process of ETA’s disarmament.

If people don’t feel safe, how can they play an active role in negotiating peace?Workshop on security guarantees in peace processes

How can peace facilitators put measures in place to protect all parties during peace processes? Véronique Dudouet co-facilitated a workshop on security guarantees.

  • blog post 14 Dec 2022
  • Author(s) Véronique Dudouet

Video: No participation without protectionWomen’s rights in areas controlled by armed and political movements

Watch our event where experts discussed the participation and protection of women within political and armed groups in Myanmar.

  • event 8 Dec 2022
Children in dust storm in Ethiopia.

Video: Climate change, environmental degradation and conflictResponding to environmental breakdown in areas affected by conflict

Watch the video of the event on the overlapping crises of environmental degradation, climate change and violent conflict, and measures to mitigate against them.

  • event 2 Dec 2022
Participants at our workshop with the Moro Women Development and Cultural Center (MWDECC) discussing women's political participation in the Philippines.

Gender-inclusive conflict transformationPerspectives from female (ex-)combatants

Our team issued a series of papers to bring the insights and knowledge of female ex-combatants into policy debates within the peacebuilding community.

  • blog post 8 Nov 2022
  • Author(s) Claudia Cruz Almeida, Véronique Dudouet
Locals look at burning forest during a wildfire in Greece

How COP can deliver for areas affected by conflictTowards COP27: Our article series on climate and conflict

As the final piece in our series, this article outlines the necessary conditions for COP27 to deliver for fragile and conflict-affected areas.

  • blog post 7 Nov 2022
  • Author(s) Tom Breese
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