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From Power Mediation to Dialogue Support?Assessing the European Union's Capabilities for Multi-Track Diplomacy

This paper presents results from the European Union Horizon 2020-funded project “Whole-of-Society Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding” (WOSCAP). It is one of three cross-country comparative assessments of EU capabilities for conflict prevention and peacebuilding with regards to various thematic 'clusters' of external intervention. The other two comparative studies deal with EU support for security sector reform and decentralisation reform. The empirical contents are primarily based on field research carried out by local partner organisations in Mali, Yemen, Georgia and Ukraine.

  • Year 2017
  • Author(s) Karin Göldner-Ebenthal, Véronique Dudouet
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Service Centre Peace Education

The project offers learning media, teacher trainings and activities at schools to strengthen peace education at schools in Baden-Württemberg.

  • Current Project
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Germany’s day of destiny: 9 November1989 – 1938 – 1918

9 November is widely regarded as a kind of “day of destiny” for the Germans.

  • blog post 7 Nov 2019
  • Author(s) Hans-Joachim Giessmann
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Wir bieten Eltern und Lehrkräften Workshops zum Umgang mit Falschinformationen und verschwörungstheoretische Narrativen an, damit sie sich aktiv in eine digitale Zivilgesellschaft einbringen können.

  • Current Project
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Your support is an investment in peace.
When you donate to Berghof, you enable us to sustain and expand our work where it is most needed. Whether through a single donation or recurring contribution, your support gives peace a fighting chance.

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Support us

Your support is an investment in peace.
When you donate to Berghof, you enable us to sustain and expand our work where it is most needed. Whether through a single donation or recurring contribution, your support gives peace a fighting chance.

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Servicestelle Friedensbildung

Das Projekt bietet Lernmedien, Fortbildungen für Lehrkräfte und Schulaktivitäten zur Stärkung der Friedensbildung an Schulen in Baden-Württemberg.

  • Current Project
Günther Bächler

‘I am always optimistic about peace’A chat with Günther Bächler, Diplomat and board member of the Berghof Foundation

Günther Bächler, our new board member, answers questions about his career in peace.

  • feature 13 Jan 2020
Günther Bächler

„Ich bin immer optimistisch, was den Frieden betrifft“Ein Gespräch mit Günther Bächler, Diplomat und Mitglied des Stiftungsrats der Berghof Foundation

Günther Bächler, das neuste Mitglied in unserem Stiftungsrat, beantwortet Fragen zu seiner Karriere.

  • feature 13 Jan 2020
News Item Image

50 years of Berghof Foundation

In 2021, the Berghof Foundation marked 50 years of conflict transformation.

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