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Results for 'ukraine'

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Together with “The Reckoning Project”, Berghof organised a symposium on testimony collection and transitional justice in Ukraine.

“Peaceful coexistence after war needs justice”

Berlin newspaper reports about Berghof symposium on collecting testimonies of war crimes in Ukraine

  • feature 12 Oct 2022
Protestierende halten "stop war" Banner bei einer Demonstration.

Once elementos de reflexión sobre cómo afrontar la guerra en UcraniaPor quienes trabajan por un futuro orientado a la paz

El ataque a Ucrania plantea retos a los actores de la sociedad civil. Aportamos elementos de reflexión para todos aquellos que trabajan por una paz sostenible.

  • feature 17 Mar 2022
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Krieg in der Ukraine: Haben Verhandlungen eine Chance?

10 Punkte der Initiative Mediation Support Deutschland (IMSD) zu möglichen Verhandlungen und zu Mediation in Bezug auf den Krieg in der Ukraine

  • feature 31 Mar 2022
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Why negotiation is neither naive nor appeasement in the Ukraine conflict

10 points by the Initiative Mediation Support Germany on possible negotiations and mediation regarding the war in Ukraine

  • feature 31 Mar 2022
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Konfliktanalysen für den Unterricht an deutschen SchulenSchüler*innen lernen, was in der Ukraine oder im Sudan passiert

Wir helfen Lehrkräften, Analysen und Lösungsansätze zu gewalttätigen Konflikten in ihren Unterricht zu integrieren.

  • feature 17 Jul 2023
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Conflict analyses for teaching in German schoolsStudents learn what is happening in Ukraine or Sudan

We help teachers develop lessons that tackle solutions to violent conflict.

  • feature 17 Jul 2023
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Funders, partners, networks

The Berghof Foundation is proud to collaborate with a range of funders, partners and networks.

Image of Carolin Poeschke

Carolin Poeschke

Chief of Staff, Executive Office

  • Berghof People
Publication Cover Image

Assessing EU Support to Governance Reform(Scoping Study)

While the promotion of good governance has long been at the heart of EU’s assistance to peacebuilding, stability, and security, it has gained yet more prominence among the set of EU values upheld in the post-Lisbon EU (common) foreign policy agenda, closely associated – and sometimes used interchangeably – with related values such as human rights, democratisation, and the rule of law (Hout 2013).

  • Year 2016
  • Author(s) Stina Lundström, Matteo Dressler
Publication Cover Image

From Power Mediation to Dialogue FacilitationAssessing the European Union’s Approach to Multi-Track Diplomacy (Scoping Study)

This scoping report defines multi-track diplomacy (MTD) as a specific approach to EU foreign policy, alongside other intervention strategies such as security sector intervention, political reform support or socio-economic assistance. It places a primary emphasis on diplomatic initiatives aimed at supporting conflict prevention and peacebuilding, especially during the various (formal and informal) stages of peace processes.

  • Year 2016
  • Author(s) Véronique Dudouet, Matteo Dressler
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