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Results for 'ukraine'

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A retired soldier holds a Lebanese flag outside the central bank during a protest demanding better pay and living conditions, in Beirut, Lebanon in March 2023.

Humanitarian aid alone cannot save LebanonOnly political stability can bring an end to Lebanon’s perpetual crises.

Nadine Francis-Pohle writes in her op-ed for Al Jazeera how to complement humanitarian aid to bring an end to the many crises in Lebanon.

  • blog post 31 May 2023
  • Author(s) Nadine Francis-Pohle
A car full of medicine arrives at the health center in Al-Absiyya, Yemen. |

Locally rooted conflict transformationHow we create dialogue at different levels

Conflicts can be transformed through peace processes at different levels. An example from Yemen.

  • blog post 25 Jul 2023
  • Author(s) Florian Lüdtke
A car full of medicine arrives at the health center in Al-Absiyya, Yemen. |

Konflikte lokal transformierenWie wir auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen Dialog schaffen

Durch Dialog auf verschiedenen Ebenen können Konflikte transformiert werden. Ein Beispiel aus Jemen.

  • blog post 26 Jul 2023
  • Author(s) Florian Lüdtke
The head of the Houthi Supreme Political Council, Mahdi al-Mashat, shakes hands with Saudi ambassador to Yemen Mohammed Al-Jaber at the Republican Palace in Sanaa, Yemen April 9, 2023. |

Encouraging signs for peace in Yemen, but a long way to go

Yemen offers some real grounds for hope. But the international community must act swiftly and ensure all parties are included.

  • blog post 4 Aug 2023
  • Author(s) Andrew Gilmour, Calum Humphreys
Fatou Baldeh (Women in Liberation and Leadership, Gambia) highlights how transitional justice mechanisms can help to amplify the voices of women.

Peace conference launched in Berlin in response to escalating conflicts“The Berlin Moot: Reshaping Peace” will take place for the first time in April

Hosted by the Berghof Foundation, the conference will offer an opportunity for global experts and mediators to pioneer new approaches to peacemaking.

  • press release 31 Jan 2024
Fatou Baldeh (Women in Liberation and Leadership, Gambia) highlights how transitional justice mechanisms can help to amplify the voices of women.

Friedenskonferenz in Berlin als Antwort auf eskalierende Konflikte"The Berlin Moot: Reshaping Peace" wird erstmals am 17. und 18. April 2024 stattfinden

Auf der von der Berghof Foundation organisierten Konferenz entwickeln globalen Expert*innen und Mediator*innen neue Ansätze zur Konfliktbearbeitung.

  • press release 31 Jan 2024
People fleeing from the conflict in Sudan arriving in Aswan, Egypt.

Sudan's deadly conflictThe urgent need for international intervention

The conflict in Sudan has led to a humanitarian crisis. Our Sudan expert outlines why the international community needs to step in to avoid global ramifications.

  • blog post 23 Feb 2024
  • Author(s) Hani Ahmed
The Humboldt Forum in Berlin will host The Berlin Moot from 17- 18 April 2024.

Less than two weeks to go: International peacemakers to gather in Berlin

Numerous high-ranking guests are expected to attend this year's inaugural event, including government representatives.

  • press release 4 Apr 2024
The Humboldt Forum in Berlin will host The Berlin Moot from 17- 18 April 2024.

In weniger als zwei Wochen: Internationale Friedensexpert*innen treffen sich in Berlin

Zu der diesjährigen, konstituierenden Friedenskonferenz werden diverse hochrangige Gäste erwartet, darunter zahlreiche Regierungsvertreter*innen.

  • press release 4 Apr 2024
The Humboldt Forum in Berlin will host the inaugural edition of The Berlin Moot peace conference.

Watch the livestream of The Berlin MootJoin the inaugural edition of our peacemaking conference on 17 April

Livestreamed panels will cover topics from multipolarity and geopolitics in peacemaking to human rights in mediation, or the role of protest movements.

  • feature 11 Apr 2024
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