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Results for 'ukraine'

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Protest in Odessa, Ukraine 2022

Video: Exploring pathways to peace for UkraineOptions for peacebuilding in the context of the ongoing war

Watch our online discussion on possible solutions for the conflict in Ukraine.

  • event 7 Apr 2022
Ukrainian servicemen evacuate a man by a boat from a flooded neighborhood in Kherson, Ukraine, in June 2023.

From silent victim to bridgebuilder: The potential of environmental peacebuilding in Ukraine

Our colleague Mariia Levchenko shares insights how environmental rehabilitation can go hand in hand with social cohesion programmes in Ukraine.

  • blog post 11 Mar 2024
  • Author(s) Mariia Levchenko
Young Ukrainians support each other in a youth project organised by STAN. 

“Young people have a great potential to drive change”Interview with Yaroslav Minkin, founder of a Ukrainian youth organisation

Read how young people can play a decisive role in Ukraine and how best to support them.

  • feature 14 Feb 2023
Two Ukrainian women after shelling in Donetsk, Ukraine in March 2023.

A feminist response to the war in Ukraine

Germany just announced its guidelines for a feminist foreign policy. In the context of the war in Ukraine, this means actively promoting women's participation.

  • blog post 15 Mar 2023
  • Author(s) Christine Seifert
Protests in solidarity with Ukraine in February 2022 in Berlin,

The Berghof Foundation is calling for an effective ceasefire and de-escalation in Ukraine

We urge conflict parties as well as governments worldwide to engage in dialogue and negotiations to stop this war.

  • feature 9 Mar 2022
Participants of the interfaith rehabilitation programme "Restart" at a session called “Making connections – expressing solidarity".

“Only when you understand the past, can you define a vision for the future”Interview with Taras Dzyubanskyy, Ukrainian expert on interreligious dialogue

Read how religion can promote understanding and resilience in Ukraine.

  • feature 2 Feb 2023
Protesters at the 2021 Pride march in Kiev, Ukraine.

“It will be harder to deny LGBTQI+ members of the military equal rights after they have risked their lives for the country”Interview with Tetiana Kasian, head of a Ukrainian LGBTQI+ organisation

Read how members of LGBTQI+ communities can contribute to peacebuilding and reconstruction efforts in Ukraine.

  • feature 22 Feb 2023
A mural graffiti depicting a little girl in front of the Ukrainian colours writing the word 'HOPE'

Video: Accountability in times of crisisLessons for Ukraine

Watch our event where we explored insights gained from the Ukraine war and shed light on the need for accountability in times of crisis.

  • event 30 Oct 2023
Andrew Gilmour

“It would be a terrible mistake to forget about the major crises around the world.”

Despite the focus on the war in Ukraine, Europe should not divert its attention from the crises in Afghanistan, Ethiopia and Yemen.

  • blog post 7 Apr 2022
  • Author(s) Andrew Gilmour
A destroyed school in CHERNIHIV, Ukraine |

Collecting testimony and transitional justice in Ukraine

During an international symposium, we discussed testimony collection during the war in Ukraine and how it can lay the foundations of transitional justice processes.

  • feature 5 Oct 2022
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