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Project Image

Intergenerational dialogues on fighting for justice and peace

Through participatory research and training, this project fosters intergenerational dialogue between youth and former combatants on peacebuilding and justice in Mindanao, Philippines.

  • Past Project 2020 - 2021
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Generationsübergreifende Dialoge über den Kampf für Gerechtigkeit und Frieden

Durch partizipative Forschung und Training fördert dieses Projekt den Dialog zwischen Jugendlichen und ehemaligen Kämpferinnen über Friedensförderung und Gerechtigkeit in Mindanao, Philippinen.

  • Current Project
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Seven lessons for inclusive local governance and peacebuilding in YemenInternational support to local governance

These emerging lessons can help inform Yemeni policy makers thinking about local governance and international actors looking to mitigate the impact of conflict.

  • blog post 29 Jun 2021
  • Author(s) Katharina Jautz, Joshua Rogers
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Video: Platforms in conflictThe role of social media for conflict and peace

Watch our panel discussion (in German) on how social media has polarised societies, how to govern platforms and how to utilise them for peace.

  • event 28 Jul 2021
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Video: Plattformen im KonfliktSoziale Medien, Konflikte und Frieden.

Sie können jetzt das Video unsere Paneldiskussion anschauen: Wie polarisieren Soziale Medien und wie setzen wir sie für die Friedensarbeit ein?

  • event 28 Jul 2021
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The drive toward widespread adoption of computerised telecommunications tools and devices in everyday life. Alongside positives like greater access to information and ease of communications, there are negatives such as mass surveillance by states or online echo chambers that can fuel conspiracy theories and hate speech.

Image of Zainab Mohamed

Zainab Mohamed

Project Manager, Sub-Saharan Africa Unit

  • Berghof People
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Peace education meets religionA virtual and interactive launch of manual

Virtual launch of our ‘Peace Education meets Religion’ manual with interactive introductory workshop.

  • event 23 Sept 2021
Publication Cover Image

Berghof Foundation: Strategic Priorities 2021-2023

In light of the shifting global context, the Berghof Foundation as an organisation has to adapt as well. We are therefore expanding our activities beyond our established focal areas into six additional areas of strategic importance. This involves building up new expertise, new forms of collaboration, and new ways of working. This work has already begun. How Berghof intends to go about it over the next three years is the subject of this document.

  • Year 2021
Annual Report 2022 Image

Berghof Foundation Annual Report 2020Financials

Unexpected challenges were plentiful in 2020, but we nonetheless carried out work and research on over 30 countries and territories during the year.

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