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Results for 'gender'

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Women's agency in war and peaceBridging the gap on female (ex-)combatants in the UNSCR 1325 agenda

An event with LSE Centre for Women, Peace and Security on discussing how to bridge the gap on female (ex-)combatants in the UNSCR 1325 agenda.

  • event 2 Dec 2020
Andrew Gilmour addressing the IACC.

Collective action for trust and integrityInternational Anti-Corruption Conference: Opening statement by Andrew Gilmour, Executive Director of Berghof Foundation

A major challenge for us all is the linkage of corruption to so many of the world’s problems, combined with most people’s lack of awareness of these linkages.

  • feature 3 Dec 2020
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Our work in 2020

As 2021 arrives, we take a quick look back at a few highlights from our work in 2020 and the prospects for peace for 2021.

  • feature 29 Dec 2020
Image of Katharina Jautz

Katharina Jautz

Project Manager, Yemen Unit

  • Berghof People
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StArt Peace Education!

The project compiles the latest findings on peace education in German-speaking countries in a state-of-the-art report and podcast and formulates recommendations for policy and educational practice.

  • Past Project 2021 - 2022
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StArt Friedensbildung!

Wir tragen neueste Erkenntnisse der Friedensbildung im deutschsprachigen Raum in einem Podcast und in Berichten zusammen und formulieren Empfehlungen für die schulpolitische und pädagogische Praxis.

  • Past Project 2021 - 2022
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Expanding our focus in a changing world

In our 50th anniversary year, we are building on our strengths to adapt to a changing global context.

  • feature 23 Feb 2021
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50 years of Berghof Foundation

In 2021, the Berghof Foundation marked 50 years of conflict transformation.

Flags of the member states of the European Union in front of the EU-commission building "Berlaymont" in Brussels, Belgium

Analysis of the new policy on EU peace mediationFrom a technical capability to a political instrument of EU foreign policy

In her analysis, Véronique Dudouet outlines the new EU policy on peace mediation’s promising outlook for civil society organisations and the challenges ahead.

  • feature 11 Mar 2021
Image of Claudia Cruz Almeida

Claudia Cruz Almeida

Project Manager, Negotiation and Mediation Support

  • Berghof People
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