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Gender refers to socially constructed characteristics, norms, behaviours and roles associated with being a woman, man, or person of different sexual orientation and gender identity expressions. As a social construct, gender varies from society to society and can change over time.

Participants at our workshop with the Moro Women Development and Cultural Center (MWDECC) discussing women's political participation in the Philippines.

Gender-inclusive conflict transformationPerspectives from female (ex-)combatants

Our team issued a series of papers to bring the insights and knowledge of female ex-combatants into policy debates within the peacebuilding community.

  • blog post 8 Nov 2022
  • Author(s) Claudia Cruz Almeida, Véronique Dudouet
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Gender Relations, Violence and Conflict TransformationHandbook Article

Makes the case for taking gendered views of conflict, violence, war and peace as a basic prerequisite of conflict transformation. In examining the relation between masculinities, femininities and violence, as well as the links between structure and agency, the author highlights the dangers of assuming ‘natural’ gender behaviour. She stresses the need for women and men to be able to live a plurality of roles and identities. She also outlines ways in which conflict transformation could be improved by fully integrating gender issues into its analysis.
  • Year 2011
  • Author(s) Cilja Harders
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Gender inclusivity in confidence building

Confidence building is a realm of mediation where even generally embraced rhetorical consensus for expanding inclusivity can often encounter significant obstacles.

  • blog post 9 Sept 2020
  • Author(s) Aneesa Walji, Luxshi Vimalarajah
A graphic recording summarising the main arguments is available for download below

The gender-transformative potential of transitional justiceHow dealing with the past processes can work for and with women

During our second dialogue event, we discussed how transitional justice can contribute to the transformation of discriminatory gender structures.

  • feature 9 Feb 2023
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Вопросы культуры, асиметрии власти и гендера в трансформации конфликтовHandbook Article

[Аннотация машинный перевод] Подчеркивается, что подходы к трансформации конфликтов неизбежно связаны с тесно связанными категориями асимметрии власти, гендерного неравенства и культурных различий. Автор утверждает, что существует всеобъемлющая глобальная культура доминирования. Эмансипация маргинализированных групп стимулирует фундаментальный культурный сдвиг, который подразумевает трансформация конфликта, и является его результатом. (переработано для печатного издания 2004 г.).

  • Year 2007
  • Author(s) Diana Francis
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Gender-inclusive conflict transformationInsights from female former combatants and women associated with resistance and liberation movements

This report is the first in the policy insight series on gender-inclusive conflict transformation. This first issue aims to contextualise and critically review current policies and practices in peace negotiations and post-war transitions, based on testimonies shared by network members during activities conducted since 2018, and complemented by relevant academic references. Through a participatory process of joint analysis, the series will present the experiences, aspirations and lessons learned from women in or associated with RLMs with regard to gender-inclusive approaches to peace negotiations and post-war peacebuilding.

  • Year 2022
  • Author(s) Claudia Cruz Almeida, Véronique Dudouet, Victoria Cochrane
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Culture, Power Asymmetries and Gender in Conflict TransformationHandbook Article

Highlights conflict transformation approaches as necessarily having to deal with the closely linked categories of power asymmetries, gender inequality and cultural difference. The author argues that an overarching, global culture of domination exists. The emancipation of marginalised groups stimulates, and results from, the fundamental culture shift which conflict transformation implies. (revised for 2004 print edition).

  • Year 2004
  • Author(s) Diana Francis
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Video: Beyond menChallenging gendered dynamics of conflict transformation

Watch a video of our panel discussion on the role of gender in peace and conflict.

  • event 22 Jun 2021
Two Ukrainian women after shelling in Donetsk, Ukraine in March 2023.

A feminist response to the war in Ukraine

Germany just announced its guidelines for a feminist foreign policy. In the context of the war in Ukraine, this means actively promoting women's participation.

  • blog post 15 Mar 2023
  • Author(s) Christine Seifert
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