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Results for 'gender'

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Supporting women in RLMs in peace processes and transitions

Through capacity building, this project supports women in resistance and liberation movements to enhance their peace negotiation skills and opportunities for post-war democratic leadership.

  • Current Project
News Story Image

International Women's Day 2021How we choose to challenge

A reflection from our staff on this year's International Women’s Day theme, #ChooseToChallenge.

  • feature 4 Mar 2021
Publication Cover Image

Radikalisierungsprävention durch eine friedensfördernde BrilleBlinde Flecken und neue Perspektiven

Dieser Beitrag, Buchkapitel im MOTRA-Monitor 2020, ist der erste einer Reihe von MOTRA-Monitor-Veröffentlichungen zum Thema Radikalisierungsprävention. Darin deklinieren die Autor*innen einen explizit friedensfördernden und konflikttransformativen Zugang zum Themenfeld Radikalisierung und Extremismusprävention.

  • Year 2021
  • Author(s) Beatrix Austin, Andreas Schädel, Tilman Papesch
Members of the Community Safety Committee in Aden are handing over firefighting kits to selected neighborhoods in the Sirah district as part of their second initiative.

Strengthening local safety in YemenLaunch of a resource hub on community safety

To support actors working on community safety, we are launching a resource hub in Yemen through a training manual, committees and an online platform.

  • feature 10 Jan 2022
Ex-combatants from Colombia, El Salvador and Guatemala meet to share challenges and lessons learnt about political, social and economic reintegration.

Video: Political reintegration of women ex-combatants after warPathways to formal and informal politics

Watch the launch event of the latest issues of our policy insights series on gender-inclusive conflict transformation.

  • event 5 Mar 2024
When the waters flow as One: A women and peace story

The role of women in peacebuilding in ColombiaA film screening and conversation

Join us on 16 April for a film screening and panel discussion. A cooperation with the Colombian Embassy in Berlin and the Swedish Embassy in Berlin.

  • event 16 Apr 2024
Publication Cover Image

Transitional Justice and Reconciliation - Theory and PracticeHandbook Article

Outlines two major strands of activity aimed at helping societies come to terms with the legacy of a violent past. The emerging paradigm of transitional justice is broadened out to incorporate gender justice and the many different aspects of truth recovery. The concept of reconciliation is discussed in light of its relevance to conflict transformation, also addressing the problems posed by selective remembrance, denial and victimhood. The author identifies open questions and stresses the need for more practice-orientated research.
  • Year 2011
  • Author(s) Martina Fischer
Book cover of the Indonesian version of the publication "I Have To Speak" about female ex-combatants.

Women in armed conflict and peace negotiationsBerghof in conversation with the street magazine Karuna Kompass

Peace agreements are measurably more sustainable when women are involved early.

  • feature 9 May 2022
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Strengthening women’s engagement in peace and security politics in Lebanon

The Berghof Foundation and UN Women are organising a two-track dialogue process for women holding high-level positions in traditional political parties and emerging political movements.

  • Past Project 2022 - 2023

How can technology make peacebuilding more gender-inclusive?Our colleagues share their perspectives for International Women’s Day

What role do women play in the digital sphere? Can digital tools make peacebuilding more gender-inclusive? Find out what our colleagues have to say.

  • feature 7 Mar 2023
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