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United Nation's ONUCA demobilises Nicaraguan resistance forces in Honduras |

From combatants to politiciansHow peacebuilders can support the political transformation of armed groups

Together with the United Nation's DDR Section, we support formerly armed groups in becoming peaceful political parties after wars.

  • feature 8 Jul 2022
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I Heard A Story...Manual for organising intergenerational dialogues about fighting for justice and peace in Mindanao

This manual accompanies the documentation of intergenerational voices of women who were involved in the struggles for social, economic and political equality in Mindanao. These documentaries, in film and in print, give rich opportunity for reflection and discussion - among former female combatants, their children, but also more generally for those supporting a peacebuilding path for communities in the Philippines and beyond. The manual combines the films and storytelling booklet produced with a simple guide of how to organize, structure and harvest dialogues using them with an aim to strengthen peacebuilding action.

  • Year 2022
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Impulse für die FriedensbildungEinblicke in ausgewählte Bezugswissenschaften

Friedensbildung in ihrer inter- und transdisziplinären Ausrichtung kann sich nur im Austausch mit verwandte Wissenschaften und Disziplinen weiterentwickeln. Dieses Paper setzt ausgewählte Ansätze aus der Friedensforschung, der Pädagogik, der Soziologie, der Sozialpsychologie, den Neurowissenschaften, der Genderforschung und den Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaften in Beziehung zu Friedensbildung.

  • Year 2022
  • Author(s) Cora Bieß, Assia Bitzan
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Climate change

The long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns that lead to higher sea levels, droughts, and other natural disasters. It is the biggest challenge to humanity yet and impacts existing conflicts or even creates new ones – especially where resources such as water and arable land are becoming scarce. Yet, common concerns about its impact can also offer an entry point for bringing conflict parties to the negotiating table.

Image of Berite Gudeta

Berite Gudeta

Dialogue Track Officer, Sub-Saharan Africa Unit

  • Berghof People
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The role of armed and political movements in the implementation of Security Council Resolution 1325

Through dialogue engagement in Myanmar and participatory action research in Yemen, the project supports women’s protection and participation in areas under the control of armed movements.

  • Current Project
Abstract painting.

Feminist foreign policy must be about justice and participation

Shifting power asymmetries, systemic reflection and inclusivity should be key to a feminist foreign policy.

  • blog post 12 Sept 2022
  • Author(s) Beatrix Austin
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Attentive, assertive, supportiveEU support to nonviolent movements

Recent years have seen a dramatic increase of mass nonviolent movements around the globe, taking the street and the online space to demand radical reforms towards greater democracy, justice, peace or equal rights. External support to nonviolent movements can help prevent violent escalation, mitigate repression, protect civic space, facilitate conflict transformation and foster sustainable peace. In a global context where the shrinking of civic space is coupled with the proliferation of protests, the European Union needs to develop a strategy to deal with nonviolent movements consistently and effectively. This paper explores the role that different EU institutional actors can play in supporting nonviolent movements and puts forward some basic recommendations to develop a more coherent conceptual framework and factor peaceful protests into the EU’s external action.

  • Year 2022
  • Author(s) Sergio Rodríguez Prieto
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Inclusive local and national-level dialogue in Lebanon

The Berghof Foundation and the European Union are cooperating with Lebanese partners in supporting a multi-level dialogue process accompanied by funding for local initiatives.

  • Current Project
Image of Maria Paula Unigarro Alba

Maria Paula Unigarro Alba

Project Officer, Sub-Saharan Africa Unit

  • Berghof People
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