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Margaret has improved irrigation schemes by managing conflicts between irrigation farmers in Midlands Province, Zimbabwe.

Insider mediator secures water supply for local farmers in ZimbabweRead Margaret Chaikosa's story!

Together with Africa University, we train “insider mediators” in Zimbabwe so they can solve conflicts in their communities.

  • Impact
News Story Image

Ethiopia: project to strengthen infrastructures for peace

Launch of three-year peacebuilding and inclusive dialogue work in Benishangul-Gumuz region, northwestern Ethiopia.

  • press release 7 Nov 2023
Project Image

Women mediators in peaceful protest movements

We support female insider mediators in peaceful protest movements to enhance their conflict resolution capacities.

  • Current Project
A picutre of Esther Omam, Executive Director of the organisation "Reach out" from Cameroon, speaking at a workshop. Esther wears a red dress and black glasses.

The crucial role of women mediators in war-torn Cameroon, and the risks they takeGerman Africa Prize 2023 awarded to the "1st National Women’s Convention for Peace in Cameroon"

In Cameroon, women mediators manage to broker deals amidst rampant violent conflicts. Our colleague Carla Schraml interviewed a group of them for her latest study.

  • blog post 30 Nov 2023
  • Author(s) Carla Schraml
Image of Frederike Engeland Minegishi

Frederike Engeland Minegishi

Advisor, Monitoring and Evaluation team

  • Berghof People
Publication Cover Image

I Have To Speak: Colombia and UgandaFemale ex-combatants in their own voices

This booklet seeks to amplify some of the hidden and forgotten voices in conflict. The stories of female ex-combatants from diverse political, religious, ethnic and national backgrounds show that women and their experiences of armed conflict and its aftermath have to be taken seriously for building sustainable peace.

  • Year 2023
  • Author(s) Beatrice Aciro, Grace Arach, Violeta Guetnamova, Isabelle Kawka
Publication Cover Image

Yo Tengo Que Hablar: Colombia y UgandaMujeres Excombatientes, En Sus Propias Voces

Esta publicación busca amplificar algunas de las voces ocultas y olvidadas en el conflicto. Las historias de mujeres excombatientes de diversos orígenes políticos, religiosos, étnicos y nacionales muestran que las mujeres y sus experiencias de conflictos armados y sus secuelas deben tomarse en serio para construir una paz sostenible.

  • Year 2023
  • Author(s) Beatrice Aciro, Grace Arach, Violeta Guetnamova, Isabelle Kawka
Immaculate Mungai, Chairperson of the Kwale Women of Faith Network, leading a community sensitization session on women and children's rights in Kinango, Kwale, Kenya.

Under crossfire: the courageous work of women faith-based mediators

In our latest study, we explore how women use faith as a tool to solve conflict and which tactics they use to overcome challenges they face during the process.

  • feature 2 Feb 2024
Publication Cover Image

Synthesis Paper: Under crossfireThe courageous work of women faith-based mediators to prevent, mitigate and resolve violent conflicts

Women faith-based mediators use creative strategies to achieve results despite the barriers they face and while working under risky conditions. But because their efforts and achievements remain largely invisible, together with the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers, we want to give visibility to these brave women, to their daily struggles as well as unmatched courage and perseverance.

  • Year 2023
  • Author(s) Carla Schraml, Luxshi Vimalarajah
In the late 20th century, we saw a shift towards integrating social psychology into peacebuilding. We now need to explore how to make use of insights from neuroscience.

Insights from NeuroscienceHow trauma and identity influence peace negotiations

Ahead of The Berlin Moot peace conference, we discussed with cognitive and neurosciences experts how their findings can advance peacebuilding.

  • blog post 27 Feb 2024
  • Author(s) Charlotte Hamm, Carla Schraml
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