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The Humboldt Forum in Berlin will host the inaugural edition of The Berlin Moot peace conference.

Watch the livestream of The Berlin MootJoin the inaugural edition of our peacemaking conference on 17 April

Livestreamed panels will cover topics from multipolarity and geopolitics in peacemaking to human rights in mediation, or the role of protest movements.

  • feature 11 Apr 2024
Bineta Diop, Special Envoy of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission on Women, Peace and Security, at the panel on multipolarity, geopolitics and norms at The Berlin Moot.

Day one of The Berlin Moot: High time to reshape peacemaking

Read a summary of takeaways from the first day of The Berlin Moot

  • feature 17 Apr 2024
News Story Image

Day two of The Berlin Moot: “We don’t need more policies, we need more implementation.”

We concluded the inaugural edition of The Berlin Moot with a call to take action in reshaping peace. Read takeaways from day two.

  • feature 18 Apr 2024
Our "Business for peacemaking" session at The Berlin Moot explored how the private sector can be best leveraged for peace.

Peacemakers call for more international cooperation to end conflicts

With the global defence budget jumping to a record high, The Berlin Moot stressed the importance of seeing security and peace as two sides of the same coin.

  • feature 16 May 2024
Image of Neha Sanghrajka

Neha Sanghrajka

Member, Board of Trustees

  • Berghof People
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