
The latest news and commentary from the Berghof Foundation.

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  • 251 News articles
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We need to talkChanging climate, changing conflicts

The Berghof Foundation and adelphi held a conversation on the importance of shifting the peacebuilding discourse to better acknowledge and address climate change.

  • feature 15 Sept 2020
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Gender inclusivity in confidence building

Confidence building is a realm of mediation where even generally embraced rhetorical consensus for expanding inclusivity can often encounter significant obstacles.

  • blog post 9 Sept 2020
  • Author(s) Aneesa Walji, Luxshi Vimalarajah
Dieter Senghaas

Dieter Senghaas: Happy 80th birthday!

We mark a milestone for the renowned social scientist, peace, conflict and development researcher, music sociologist and cultural theorist, Dieter Senghaas.

  • blog post 1 Sept 2020
  • Author(s) Uli Jäger
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„Menschen im Krieg – Menschen gegen Krieg“Bilderset für Friedensbildung in Schulen veröffentlicht

Friedensbildung in Schulen zu stärken ist seit Herbst 2014 das erklärte Ziel in Baden-Württemberg.

  • feature 16 Jul 2020
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From inner to outer peaceSupporting Syrian refugees as agents for peace

Our experience working with displaced Syrians in Jordan shows that under the right conditions, refugees can act as agents of constructive social change.

  • feature 19 Jun 2020
Health care workers inspect their personal protective equipment before interacting with a patient suspected of having COVID-19 at Bole-Chefe isolation center on 9 April 2020.

Prospects for peace amid a global pandemic

Six months into the COVID-19 crisis, we asked our colleagues what the pandemic means for people and countries in conflict. And what are the prospects for peace?

  • feature 16 Jun 2020
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Do nonviolent revolutions lead to better democracies?

Nonviolent resistance is not just an effective means of deposing dictators. Our research shows it can also help consolidate democracy after the transition.

  • blog post 3 Jun 2020
  • Author(s) Véronique Dudouet
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Towards territorial peacebuilding in Colombia

See how our team has been working to foster dialogue, prevent violence, and support Colombia's peace agreement at the local and regional level.

  • feature 29 May 2020
Former female combatant being interviewed for the film.

I have to speak: Film and booklet releasedVoices of female ex-combatants from Aceh, Burundi, Mindanao and Nepal

Experience the stories of female ex-combatants from diverse political, religious, ethnic and national backgrounds.

  • feature 27 May 2020
Video training in Banda Aceh, Indonesia.

“I have to speak” – Voices of female ex-combatants from Aceh, Burundi, Mindanao and NepalOnline film premiere and panel discussion

Watch and discuss the film and booklet presenting the results of our recent work with female ex-combatants.

  • event 27 May 2020
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