FEATURE | 9 Nov 2020
Fifth anniversary of the Service Centre Peace Education

Since 2015, teachers and students in Baden-Wuerttemberg have had a contact point for their questions about peace education: The Service Centre Peace Education.
Since 2015, teachers and students in Baden-Wuerttemberg have had a contact point for their questions about peace education: The Service Centre Peace Education is the central point of contact for schools and educators to get advice on their questions related to peace education and to find the opportunity to network with other schools or institutions. It is celebrating its fifth anniversary with a campaign on social media.
The Service Centre Peace Education was commissioned by a joint declaration signed by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, the Berghof Foundation, 17 further actors in the field of peace education to strengthen peace education in schools in Baden-Wuerttemberg. During the past five years, the Service Centre has developed online and offline learning materials on peace education topics, offered trainings, and engaged students in discussions on how to achieve peace on a local and global level. Furthermore, the Service Centre promotes the systematic integration of these topics into educational plans and fosters networking between schools and other actors in the field of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Global Learning.
The Berghof Foundation is responsible for the Service Centre together with the State Agency for Civic Education and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Baden-Wuerttemberg. The centre is located at "Haus auf der Alb", the State Agency for Civic Education’s conference centre in Bad Urach.
The Service Center is a beacon of peace education. It already has an impact far beyond Baden-Wuerttemberg.
Uli Jäger, Berghof Foundation
Uli Jäger, Head of Department “Global Learning for Conflict Transformation” at Berghof and member of the Service Centre’s steering committee, emphasises: "Peace education makes all the difference. The Service Centre is a beacon of peace education. It already has an impact far beyond the borders of Baden-Württemberg. Small is beautiful – yet more resources are needed to adequately address major challenges. Especially, in times of global crises with many people being affected on so many levels, two qualities are particularly in demand: reliability and innovative peace education.”
In the coming weeks, the Service Centre will celebrate its achievements of the past five years with a campaign on its partners' social media channels. This will emphasise the importance of the work of the centre’s committees, freelancers, and network partners from the policy field, from churches as well as civil society.
First messages from politics and society on the work of the Service Center Peace Education can be found here (in German).
Find more information on the Berghof Foundation and its support for the service centre here.
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