Our Library
Explore our publications, from research papers and series to educational materials, covering all aspects of conflict transformation and peace promotion.

Mediating the political transformation of non-state armed groupsWorkshop report
Together with the United Nations DPO DDR section, our team working to improve international support to transformation processes of non-state armed groups after wars and conflicts, organised a workshop with international experts in Berlin.
- Year2022

Modellschulen FriedensbildungDokumentation zum Pilotprojekt
Kriege in vielen Weltregionen, Polarisierung, Hass und Hetze in der eigenen Gesellschaft und globale Krisen wie der Klimawandel und die Pandemie schüren massiv die Zukunftsängste von Kindern und Jugendlichen. Sie suchen nach Antworten, wie das Zusammenleben im Kleinen und Großen gelingen kann. Schulen leisten einen großen Beitrag, wenn sie ihren Schüler*innen Lern- und Erfahrungsräume bieten, in denen sie kreative und lösungsorientierte Antworten auf aktuelle Herausforderungen suchen können. Schüler*innen wollen die Möglichkeiten zum gewaltfreien, konstruktiven Umgang mit Konflikten, Hass und Gewalt kennen lernen sowie Ermutigung und Befähigung zu eigenem (Friedens-)Engagement erfahren.
- Year2022
- Author(s)Anne Kruck, Dr. Julia Hagen

On negotiating peace: A compilation of strategic frameworksBased on the perspectives of resistance and liberation movements
The strategic frameworks were developed in conjunction with our project "Negotiation Support for Resistance and Liberation Movements (RLMs)", where negotiation training and process support were offered to a number of RLMs around the world. It is designed to serve as a hands-on strategy-building guide for the RLMs and other negotiators and mediators, who are often overwhelmed with the amount of tasks that come with, as well as the complexity of the negotiation processes.
- Year2022
- Author(s)Joana Amaral, Véronique Dudouet, Karin Göldner-Ebenthal, Jonathan Harlander, Nico Schernbeck, Katrin Planta, Vanessa Prinz, Luxshi Vimalarajah

Berghof Foundation: Strategic Priorities 2022-2025
In order to adopt to a digitalised world, a planet facing ecocide through climate change and further global challenges, the Berghof Foundation as an organisation has to evolve as well. We are therefore expanding our activities beyond our established focal areas into six additional areas of strategic importance. How Berghof intends to go about it over the next four years is the subject of this document.
- Year2022

تغير المناخ والصراع في حضرموت والمهرة
بناءً على المقابلات التي أجريت في محافظتين يمنيتين تضررتا بشدة من آثار تغير المناخ ، تحدد هيلين لاكنر القضايا البيئية الرئيسية التي تواجه سكان حضرموت والمهرة اليوم. يوضح التقرير كيفية ارتباطها بالنزاع في المحافظتين ، ويستكشف ما تفعله السلطات المحلية والمجتمعات والجهات الفاعلة الدولية وما يمكن أن تفعله في المستقبل للتخفيف من آثار تغير المناخ وإدارة النزاعات التي تنجم عنه بشكل أفضل.
- Year2021
- Author(s)Helen Lackner

Climate Change and Conflict in Hadhramawt and Al Mahra
Based on interviews conducted in two Yemeni governorates hit hard by the effects of climate change, Helen Lackner identifies the key environmental issues facing the populations of Hadhramawt and Al Mahra today. The report shows how they are connected to conflict in the two governorates, and explores what local authorities, communities and international actors are doing and can do in the future to mitigate the impacts of climate change and better manage the conflicts that derive from it.
- Year2021
- Author(s)Helen Lackner

Berghof Foundation: 50 years of conflict transformation
This book provides an overview of the Berghof Foundation’s work and impact over the past 50 years and sheds light on future challenges for building sustainable peace.
- Year2021

Asking my SistersIntergenerational Voices of Women from the Moro Islamic Liberation Front in Mindanao
In this booklet female ex-combatants from the Moro Islamic Liberation Front - Bangsamoro Women's Auxiliary Brigade (MILF-BIWAB) and their daughters in Mindanao share their stories from the region’s post-conflict reconciliation process.
- Year2021
- Author(s)Carolien van Hoof, Stina Lundström, Véronique Dudouet, Beatrix Austin, Mohanie U. Kasan, Mariffa M. Samayatin, Monawara Kumayog, Amira U. Ebrahim, Ledrolen R. Manriquez, Jehan A. Usop, Baina T. Samayatin

Pagtatanong sa aking mga kapatidBoses ng mga kababaihan ng Moro Islamic Liberation Front sa Mindanao mula sa iba't ibang henerasyon
Sa booklet na ito, ibinahagi ng mga babaeng ex-combatant mula sa Moro Islamic Liberation Front - Bangsamoro Women's Auxiliary Brigade (MILF-BIWAB) at kanilang mga anak na babae sa Mindanao ang kanilang mga kuwento mula sa proseso ng reconciliation pagkatapos ng conflict sa rehiyon.
- Year2021
- Author(s)Carolien van Hoof, Stina Lundström, Véronique Dudouet, Beatrix Austin, Mohanie U. Kasan, Mariffa M. Samayatin, Amira U. Ebrahim, Ledrolen R. Manriquez, Jehan A. Usop, Baina T. Samayatin

El espacio juvenil del diálogo y la mediaciónUna exploración
Esta exploración se aleja decididamente de los discursos predominantes sobre los jóvenes, que ya están bastante bien cubiertos en la literatura: "son tanto alborotadores como pacificadores" o "son una categoría especial y potente de agentes de paz, y por lo tanto hay que capacitarlos". Esta investigación se centra más bien en las historias existentes sobre los esfuerzos de diálogo y mediación en el espacio de los jóvenes, en un intento de sacar a la luz algunas ideas que normalmente se dejan en la oscuridad, y de estimular un discurso hasta ahora ausente. Esto se considera particularmente oportuno, dado el inicio de una miríada de iniciativas desde la adopción de la Resolución 2250.
- Year2021
- Author(s)Mir Mubashir, Irena Grizelj