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Read our annual report 2023

9 Dec 2022

PAVE working paper 3:

Interactions between states and religious institutions in the Balkans

Interactions between states and religious institutions in the Western Balkans are intricate and can have an impact on fuelling or preventing violent extremism. Two countries in the Western Balkans were the focus of the PAVE project’s research for this report: Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia.


Maja Halilovic Pastuovic, Goran Tepšić, Nemanja Džuverović, Sead Turčalo, Jelena Brkić-Šmigoc, Mirza Smajić, Veldin Kadić, Muamer Hirkić, Gillian Wylie


The research investigates the role of religious and political institutions in the prevention of extremism in different forms. It also analysis how religious and political institutions cooperate in countering religious and political extremism, and which activities, aimed at preventing religious and political extremism, are conducted by actors connected to different types of institutions.

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