9 Dec 2022

PAVE working paper 5:

Online and offline (de-)radicalisation in the Balkans

This report zooms in on the factors of community vulnerability and community resilience to religiously inspired and ethno-political radicalisation in the Western Balkans, with a focus on Kosovo and North Macedonia.


Ramadan Ilazi, Ardit Orana, Teuta Avdimetaj, Bledar Feta, Ana Krstinovska, Yorgos Christidis, Ioannis Armakolas


It discusses online and offline (de-)radicalisation patterns by examining the respective roles of online narratives disseminated primarily through social media platforms and peer-group socialisation, as well as the relevance of traditional offline media. The findings show how the distribution of radicalising narratives evolves between online and offline communication and information channels.

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