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Explore our publications, from research papers and series to educational materials, covering all aspects of conflict transformation and peace promotion.

Il Faut Que Je ParleParoles d'Anciennes Combattantes d'Aceh, du Burundi, de Mindanao et du Népal
Cette brochure cherche à amplifier certaines des voix cachées et oubliées dans les conflits. Ces histoires d'ex-combattantes d'origines politiques, religieuses, ethniques et nationales diverses montrent que les femmes et leurs expériences des conflits armés doivent être prises au sérieux pour construire une paix durable.
- Year2020
- Author(s)Evelyn Pauls, Tripani Baijali, Alabai Buisan Mikunug, Gypsy Queen Buisan Sumampao, Grace Nitunga, Lila Sharma, Salawati S.Pd

Saya Harus BicaraSuara Para Perempuan Eks-kombatan dari Aceh, Burundi, Mindanao dan Nepal
Buku ini bertujuan untuk menguatkan suara dari kisah-kisah yang tersembunyi dan terlupakan dalam konflik. Kisah-kisah dari para perempuan eks-kombatan dari beragam latar belakang politik, agama, etnis dan bangsa ini menunjukkan bahwa perempuan dan pengalaman mereka dalam konflik bersenjata harus disimak dengan serius jika hendak membangun perdamaian yang berkelanjutan.
- Year2020
- Author(s)Evelyn Pauls, Tripani Baijali, Alabai Buisan Mikunug, Gypsy Queen Buisan Sumampao, Grace Nitunga, Lila Sharma, Salawati S.Pd

I Have To Speak (नेपाली भाषा)Voices of Female Ex-Combatants from Aceh, Burundi, Mindanao and Nepal
[सार मेसिन अनुवाद गरिएको]
यस पुस्तिकाले द्वन्द्वमा रहेका केही लुकेका र बिर्सेका आवाजहरूलाई विस्तार गर्न खोज्दछ। विविध राजनीतिक, धार्मिक, जातीय र राष्ट्रिय पृष्ठभूमिका महिला पूर्व लडाकूहरूका यी कथाहरूले महिला र उनीहरूको सशस्त्र द्वन्द्वको अनुभवलाई दिगो शान्तिको लागि गम्भीरताका साथ लिनुपर्दछ भनेर देखाउँदछ।
- Year2020
- Author(s)Evelyn Pauls, Tripani Baijali, Alabai Buisan Mikunug, Gypsy Queen Buisan Sumampao, Grace Nitunga, Lila Sharma, Salawati S.Pd

I Have To SpeakVoices of Female Ex-Combatants from Aceh, Burundi, Mindanao and Nepal (Mindanao edition)
This booklet seeks to amplify some of the hidden and forgotten voices in conflict. These stories of female ex-combatants from diverse political, religious, ethnic and national backgrounds show that women and their experiences of armed conflict have to be taken seriously for building sustainable peace.
- Year2020
- Author(s)Evelyn Pauls, Tripani Baijali, Gypsy Queen Buisan Sumampao, Alabai Buisan Mikunug, Grace Nitunga, Lila Sharma, Salawati S.Pd

(Ne pas) dialoguer avec les groupes « jihadistes » au Mali ?Étude de Cas
Au Mali, dès la fin de l’année 2012, la question du dialogue avec les groupes d’expression jihadiste, labélisés terroristes, a constitué une sorte de zone grise, voir un tabou qui cristallise et interroge les contradictions normatives et pratiques des régimes d’exclusion ainsi que leur impact tant sur la trajectoire de la violence que sur la résolution du conflit. A ce titre, le contexte malien fait face à une situation historique tout aussi complexe qu’inédite.
- Year2020
- Author(s)Ferdaous Bouhlel

Expert Roundtable on Salafi jihadi armed groupsDe-escalation trajectories and dialogue engagement – Workshop report
On December 11, 2019, the Berghof Foundation hosted a confidential expert workshop on “Salafi jihadi armed groups – (De)escalation trajectories and dialogue engagement”, with funding and support by the German Foundation for Peace Research and the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.
- Year2020
- Author(s)Karin Göldner-Ebenthal, Véronique Dudouet

Challenges and opportunities for conflict resolution with Salafi jihadi armed groupsPolicy brief No. 10
This policy brief highlights recommendations for evidence-based policy making on pathways to conflict de-escalation with Salafi jihadi armed groups. It proposes a more nuanced public discussion of the topic. This brief draws mainly on the research report “Dialogue with Salafi jihadi armed groups: Challenges and opportunities for conflict de-escalation” which concludes a two-year research project based on case studies in Somalia, Syria and Mali.
- Year2020
- Author(s)Véronique Dudouet, Karin Göldner-Ebenthal

Les groupes armés salafi-djihadistes et la (dés)escalade des conflitsLe cas d’Ansar Dine au Mali
Lorsqu'en 2012, le conflit violent éclate au Mali, le groupe armé salafi-djihadiste (GASD) Ansar Dine devient rapidement l'un de ses principaux protagonistes. Son chef Iyad Ag Ghaly a conservé un rôle de premier plan au sein de l'entité Jamāʿat nuṣrat al-islām wal-muslimīn (groupe de soutien à l'Islam et aux Musulmans, JNIM) formée en mars 2017.
- Year2020
- Author(s)Tim Jan Roetman, Marie Migeon, Véronique Dudouet

Improving Community Safety in Contested SpacesA Handbook for Syrian Civil Society Actors
The handbook is designed to help civil society actors in contested spaces and conflict settings provide safety for their communities. It outlines the key principles of the community safety approach and provides practical guidance on how to identify security challenges and how to implement strategies to counter them. The handbook was originally developed for civil society actors in Syria, but it can also be used in other contexts. The handbook is currently also available in Arabic.
- Year2020
- Author(s)Will Bennett

Mapping of Local Governance in Yemeni Governorates
This mapping outlines the situation faced by the population in all 22 governorates of Yemen. We see this as a working draft and welcome any additions, corrections, or comments you might have.
The mapping highlights the economic activities and resources that remain available and introduces the local administration and the situation of the local council in each governorate. It explores the extent to which different institutions of local authority — local councils, executive offices, and governors’ offices — continue to perform their mandates, and provides an overview of the availability of basic services, especially in the health, education, and water and sanitation sectors. The mapping is based on the review and analysis of documents, statistics, and official reports by Yemeni and international organizations, published studies and research, and interviews with local leaders in the governorates.
- Year2020