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Introduction to the second print volume of the Berghof HandbookHandbook Article
- Year 2011
- Author(s) Beatrix Austin

Preface to the 2004 print edition of the Berghof HandbookHandbook Article
Preface to the 2004 print edition of the Berghof Handbook, "Transforming Ethnopolitical Conflict".
- Year 2004
- Author(s) Martina Fischer, Norbert Ropers

ПредисловиеHandbook Article
[Резюме - машинный перевод] Перевод Предисловия к печатному изданию Справочника Бергхофа 2004 г. "Преобразование этнополитического конфликта"
- Year 2007
- Author(s) Martina Fischer, Norbert Ropers

පෙර වදනHandbook Article
[වියුක්ත යන්ත්ර-පරිවර්තනය] බර්ගොෆ් අත්පොතේ 2004 මුද්රිත සංස්කරණයට පෙරවදන පරිවර්තනය කිරීම, “ජනවාර්ගික ගැටුම පරිවර්තනය කිරීම”
- Year 2007
- Author(s) Martina Fischer, Norbert Ropers

முன்னுரைHandbook Article
[சுருக்கம் இயந்திரம்-மொழிபெயர்க்கப்பட்டுள்ளது] பெர்கோஃப் கையேட்டின் 2004 அச்சு பதிப்பிற்கு முன்னுரையின் மொழிபெயர்ப்பு, "எத்னோபோலிட்டிகல் மோதலை மாற்றுதல்"
- Year 2007
- Author(s) Martina Fischer, Norbert Ropers

Berghof Handbook Dialogue Series No. 13 - IntroductionHandbook Dialogue Series No. 13
Berghof Handbook Dialogue No. 13 looks more deeply at what it takes to formulate transformative approaches to violent extremism. The lead article by Mohammed Abu-Nimer puts a call for interreligious peacebuilding centre-stage, which takes seriously and truly integrates the perspective of actors otherwise often defined as part of the problem. Respondents from a variety of backgrounds will, over the months to come, discuss these propositions. They will shed light on systemic contexts, the role of identity and gender, practice-oriented work with youth and regional contexts such as the Western Balkans and the MENA region.
- Year 2018
- Author(s) Beatrix Austin, Hans-Joachim Giessmann

Введение (2004)Handbook Article
[Реферат - машинный перевод] Перевод Введения к печатному изданию 2004 года справочника Бергхофа "Преобразование этнополитического конфликта".
- Year 2007
- Author(s) Martina Fischer