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Image of Hans-Joachim Giessmann

Hans-Joachim Giessmann

Director Emeritus, Afghanistan and Central/South Asia Unit

  • Berghof People
Image of Andrew Gilmour

Andrew Gilmour

Executive Director, Executive Office

  • Berghof People
Image of Karin Göldner-Ebenthal

Karin Göldner-Ebenthal

Researcher, Conflict Transformation Research

  • Berghof People
Image of Ekrem Güzeldere

Ekrem Güzeldere

Project Manager, Turkey team

  • Berghof People
Image of Charlotte Hamm

Charlotte Hamm

Researcher/Project Manager, Negotiation and Mediation Support

  • Berghof People
Image of Ali Saif Hassan

Ali Saif Hassan

Yemen Team, Yemen Unit

  • Berghof People
Image of Heidi Huuhtanen

Heidi Huuhtanen

Senior Advisor, Middle East and North Africa Unit

  • Berghof People
Image of Uli Jäger

Uli Jäger

Senior Advisor, Peace Education

  • Berghof People
Image of Katie Kamins

Katie Kamins

Social Media Officer, Communications

  • Berghof People
Image of Feras Kheirallah

Feras Kheirallah

Senior Programme Manager, former Representative Beirut Office (on sabbatical), Middle East and North Africa Unit

  • Berghof People
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