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Image of Michael Arensen

Michael Arensen

Senior Project Manager, Sub-Saharan Africa Unit

  • Berghof People
Image of Julian Demmer

Julian Demmer

Head of Unit Ethiopia, Sub-Saharan Africa Unit

  • Berghof People
Image of Janel B. Galvanek

Janel B. Galvanek

Head of Department, Regional Peace Support

  • Berghof People
Image of Rebecca Davis

Rebecca Davis

Associate Researcher, Conflict Transformation Research

  • Berghof People
Image of Pascal Grimm

Pascal Grimm

Project Manager, Sub-Saharan Africa Unit

  • Berghof People
Image of Nicole Rieber

Nicole Rieber

Senior Project Manager, Peace Education

  • Berghof People
Image of Dalia Barsoum

Dalia Barsoum

Head of Unit, Yemen Unit

  • Berghof People
Image of Beatrix Austin

Beatrix Austin

Head of Department, Conflict Transformation Research

  • Berghof People
Image of Natalie Baharav

Natalie Baharav

Head of Communications, Communications

  • Berghof People
Image of Uta Bieber

Uta Bieber

Finance Manager, Finance

  • Berghof People
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