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Explore our publications, from research papers and series to educational materials, covering all aspects of conflict transformation and peace promotion.
Conflict Assessment ReportHirshabelle State, Somalia
This report discusses the pertinent concerns and perceptions of Somalis about conflict and reconciliation issues in the areas in which they live in Hirshabelle State. The report focuses on perceptions related to the general security situation of the districts, various types of conflicts that exist in the districts, critical factors that drive conflicts, key stakeholders of the conflicts, current initiatives for managing the conflicts, challenges faced by the mediators, and the needs and prerequisites for reconciliation and mediation. The report highlights similarities and differences between the districts of the state, though it should be noted that the similarities exceed the differences. The findings of the assessment are rich and complex. Four significant highlights will be presented in more detail.
- Year2018
- Author(s)Abass Kassim Sheikh
Gender and Inclusive Security: A new approach to the Cyprus Problem within the framework on Security DialogueSecurity Dialogue Project - Background Paper
In the 57 years since the inception of the Republic of Cyprus, only three Greek Cypriot women have so far had any kind of involvement and impact in the peace process, with the situation being worse as far as the Turkish Cypriot community is concerned, where the corresponding number is a feeble one.
- Year2017
- Author(s)Anna Koukkides-Procopiou
Berghof Foundation Annual Report 2016
Our Annual Report provides information about the projects that we have worked on together with our partners in 2016. A particular light is shed on our support to national dialogues, an approach that has raised interest among conflict parties in countries that are transitioning from an autocratic system to more participatory governance.
- Year2017
Challenges and Opportunities for Female Combatants’ Post-War Community LeadershipLessons Learnt from Aceh and Mindanao (Workshop Report)
This report synthesises lessons learnt on the challenges and opportunities for female combatants’ transition into post-war community leadership in the Philippines and in Aceh (Indonesia) based on a peer-advice workshop convened in Cotabato City, Philippines, in April 2016, with funding from the Robert Bosch Foundation. The workshop brought together former female members of the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) of Aceh (Indonesia) and current members of the Bangsamoro Women’s Auxiliary Brigade (BIWAB) of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) in Mindanao (Philippines). The report offers key policy recommendations and support options for national and international peacebuilding and development agencies, particularly in contexts of asymmetric conflict between a state and one or more non-state armed groups.
- Year2016
- Author(s)Stina Lundström, Shadia Marhaban
Tantangan dan Peluang bagi Perempuan Kombatan dalam Kepemimpinan di Komunitas PascaperangPembelajaran dan Aceh dan Mindanao (Laporan Lokakarya)
Berdasarkan pada lokakarya berbasis pembelajaran bersama bulan April 2016 di Cotabato antara mantan perempuan anggota Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) di Aceh (Indonesia) dan anggota dari perempuan pasukan bantuan Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) di Mindanao (Filipina), laporan ini melakukan sintesa dari pembelajaran para peserta tentang tantangan dan peluang bagi transisi perempuan kombatan dalam kepemimpinan di komunitas pascaperang. Laporan ini juga menawarkan sejumlah rekomendasi kebijakan kunci dalam dukungan opsi bagi para agensi di tingkat nasional dan internasional dalam bidang pembangunan-perdamaian dan pembangunan di Mindanao serta konteks dari konflik asimetris antara negara dan satu atau lebih kelompok bersenjata non-negara.
- Year2016
- Author(s)Stina Lundström, Shadia Marhaban
Countering Armed Social Violence in Guinea-Bissau: The Case of the Model Police StationBerghof Handbook Dialogue Series No. 12 - comment
Our response explores the application of these participatory and community-informed approaches in the context of Guinea-Bissau, where a community-based policing model, the Model Police Stations (MPS), had its genesis in participatory research. Participatory research has also informed activities in other areas,such as the prevention of gender violence. In 2011, for example, a comprehensive portrayal of the violence against women in the country resulted from the combination of quantitative data with qualitative research on perceptions (see Roque 2011).
- Year2016
- Author(s)Marco Carmignani, Fernando Cavalcante
Gender Relations, Violence and Conflict TransformationHandbook Article
- Year2011
- Author(s)Cilja Harders
Transitional Justice and Reconciliation - Theory and PracticeHandbook Article
- Year2011
- Author(s)Martina Fischer
Вопросы культуры, асиметрии власти и гендера в трансформации конфликтовHandbook Article
[Аннотация машинный перевод] Подчеркивается, что подходы к трансформации конфликтов неизбежно связаны с тесно связанными категориями асимметрии власти, гендерного неравенства и культурных различий. Автор утверждает, что существует всеобъемлющая глобальная культура доминирования. Эмансипация маргинализированных групп стимулирует фундаментальный культурный сдвиг, который подразумевает трансформация конфликта, и является его результатом. (переработано для печатного издания 2004 г.).
- Year2007
- Author(s)Diana Francis
ගැටුම් ව්යවර්තනගත සංස්කෘතිය, බල අසමමිතිය සහ ස්ත්රී පුරුෂ සමාජභාවයHandbook Article
[වියුක්ත යන්ත්ර-පරිවර්තනය] ගැටුම් පරිවර්තන ප්රවේශයන් ඉස්මතු කර දක්වන්නේ බල අසමමිතිය, ස්ත්රී පුරුෂ අසමානතාවය සහ සංස්කෘතික වෙනස සමඟ සමීපව බැඳී ඇති කාණ්ඩ සමඟ කටයුතු කිරීමට අවශ්ය බවය. කතුවරයා තර්ක කරන්නේ ආධිපත්යය පිළිබඳ ගෝලීය සංස්කෘතියක් පවතින බවයි. ආන්තික කණ්ඩායම්වල විමුක්තිය ගැටුම් පරිවර්තනයෙන් ගම්ය වන මූලික සංස්කෘතික මාරුව උත්තේජනය කරයි. (2004 මුද්රණ සංස්කරණය සඳහා සංශෝධනය කරන ලදි).
- Year2007
- Author(s)Diana Francis