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Assessing Inclusivity in the Post-War Army Integration Process in NepalIPS Paper No. 11

One of the key features of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), signed in 2006 by the Maoists and seven other major political parties, was the integration and rehabilitation of the Maoist combatants. After years of discussion on the written agreements and their interpretations, which were designed to facilitate the decision-making process regarding the fate of Maoist combatants, the situation of having two armies in one country finally came to an end in 2013.

  • Year 2015
  • Author(s) Subindra Bogati
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State Reform after the Peace Accords: Negotiating and Implementing an Inclusive Political Settlement in El SalvadorIPS Paper No. 13

This paper reviews the historical dynamics of the conflict and the peace process between the FMLN and the Salvadoran state, before analysing the main phases and actors of the informal and formal negotiations. The paper further seeks to determine what the Salvadoran population can possibly expect from the scope of the 1992 Accords more than two decades after they were signed by examining to what extent the needs of the marginalised groups most affected by the political, economic and social situation prior to the war have been taken into account in the accords and their implementation.

  • Year 2015
  • Author(s) Roberto Oswaldo López, Aída Carolina Quinteros, Carlos Guillermo Ramos
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The FMLN and Post-War Politics in El Salvador: From Included to Inclusive Actor?IPS Paper No. 14

Twenty-two years after the signature of the Peace Accords, the Front has the greatest share of power in the country: first, as a legal and legitimate party that can aspire to each and every one of the popularly elected positions from which it is possible to carry out the expected changes; and secondly, as the governing party – after winning the presidential elections for a second time and having obtained several mayorships, as well as ample and at times majority presence in the Legislative Assembly.

  • Year 2015
  • Author(s) Carlos Guillermo Ramos, Roberto Oswaldo López, Aída Carolina Quinteros
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The Paradox of Peace in Sudan and South Sudan: Why the Political Settlements Failed to EndureIPS Paper No. 15

This paper emphasises the contradiction that has emerged in Sudan and South Sudan since the two regions signed a Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005, ending their two decade long civil war. The CPA was a compromise between the risk of violent state disintegration on the one hand –should the war continue any longer, and allowing for a peaceful split on the other, should the two sides fail to agree on equitable terms for continued unity. In either case, the hope was for an end to violence through a mediated political settlement. Unfortunately, the settlement neither saved the unity of the country nor produced peace. Instead, the country broke into two and violence continued both between the two Sudans and within them.

  • Year 2015
  • Author(s) Jok Madut Jok
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Negotiating an End to the Current Civil War in South Sudan: What Lessons Can Sudan’s Comprehensive Peace Agreement Offer?IPS Paper No. 16

This paper is a review of the Addis Ababa-based, IGAD-led peace process. It focuses on highlighting risks which may stand in the way of an inclusive settlement, including the competition for power, the question of ethnic divides that have fueled violence, the multiplicity of armed non-state actors; how to include them in a settlement without creating a gargantuan military that could bankrupt the country and remilitarise the situation. The paper concludes that careful security arrangements, power-sharing in a government of national unity, a commitment to a national constitution, institutional reforms and a programme of national cohesion, reconciliation and justice for all, are the central pillars of a settlement, without which any peace agreement would be a mere postponement of conflict.

  • Year 2015
  • Author(s) Jok Madut Jok
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Participation on Paper but not in Practice? The South Sudan Constitutional Review ProcessIPS Paper No. 17

This report looks at one of the most important yet contested political processes in South Sudan: the process of drafting a permanent constitution. It takes a social science perspective and focuses, in particular, on the dynamics of inclusion and exclusion in the constitution-making process. The report argues that temporary constitutions negotiated in closed settings can increase conflict levels within a country.

  • Year 2015
  • Author(s) Guri Storaas
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The Rebels, the State and the People: Inclusivity in the Aceh Peace ProcessIPS Paper No. 18

This report analyses the negotiation and codification process of a new political settlement in Aceh, based on the 2005 Memorandum of Understanding with the Indonesian Government and the Law on Governing Aceh passed the following year. It addresses various aspects related to inclusivity in the Acehnese political settlement, and is guided by the following questions: How did the Aceh peace process deal with the issues of participation and representation? What were the key substantive demands of the Acehnese people and how were they negotiated by the Free Aceh Movement (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka – GAM) on their behalf? What impact did the peace agreement have on constructing an inclusive Aceh and rectifying the imbalanced centre-periphery relationship between Jakarta and Aceh?

  • Year 2015
  • Author(s) Agus Wandi, Nezar Patria
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Mediator Orang DalamMenjelajahi Peran Kunci mereka dalam Proses Perdamaian Informal

Laporan ini menyoroti salah satu pelaku kunci dalam proses perdamaian: mediator orang dalam. Dasar laporan ini adalah pengalaman bahwa sebagian besar proses perdamaian resmi dimulai atau dilengkapi oleh proses informal, yang kerap difasilitasi oleh orang-orang dari daerah konflik, yang memiliki pengetahuan mendalam dan dedikasi besar untuk menyelesaikan konflik.

Untuk mengeksplorasi peran spesifik, potensi dan batasan mediator “orang dalam” lokal dan regional dalam proses perdamaian saat ini, Berghof Foundation for Peace Support (BPS) bekerja sama dengan Mediation Support Project dari Swisspeace/CSS-ETH Zurich mengundang belasan mediator orang dalam dari berbagai bagian dunia (Algeria, Burundi, Kongo, Jerman, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Makedonia, Mali, Meksiko, Nepal, Filipina, Sri Lanka, Swiss dan Uganda).

  • Year 2016
  • Author(s) Simon Mason
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Pragmatism and MistrustThe Interaction of Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in Liberia (Case Study)

This report addresses findings generated from the Liberia case study on the coexistence of various conflict resolution systems in Liberia. Besides the traditional system of chiefs and elders, there are state-based mechanisms such as the formal justice system and the Peacebuilding Office, and various third-party initiatives, including the work of many different NGOs.

The study comes to the conclusion that the interaction and even cooperation of conflict resolution mechanisms in Liberia is happening on a massive scale, and provides recommendations on how this cooperation could be significantly improved.

  • Year 2016
  • Author(s) Janel B. Galvanek
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Reconciliation, Reward, and RevengeAnalyzing Syrian De-Escalation Dynamics through Local Ceasefire Negotiations (Berghof Grantee Publication)

Samer Araabi’s and Leila Hilal’s innovative report focuses on one prominent framework for local mediation and de-escalation in Syria: local ceasefire negotiations. Based on research conducted between mid-2014 and March 2016, their report presents four in-depth cases of ceasefire negotiations that have taken place inside Syria since 2012. It explains the environment in which these negotiations occurred and offers observations on the obstacles and shortcomings they faced.

  • Year 2016
  • Author(s) Samer Araabi, Leila Hilal
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