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Transforming Cultural Conflict in an Age of ComplexityHandbook Article

Focuses on three distinct ways in which culture affects conflicts: culture as a lens that facilitates or blocks effective communication; culture and world view differences as the subject of conflicts; conflicts related to identity and recognition as facets of cultural differences. The author discusses challenges and concrete recommendations for process design in culturally-complex conflicts.

  • Year 2001
  • Author(s) Michelle LeBaron
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Трансформация межкультурных конфликтов в наше сложное времяHandbook Article

[Абстрактный машинный перевод] Основное внимание уделяется трем различным способам воздействия культуры на конфликты: культура как линза, которая облегчает или блокирует эффективное общение; культура и мир рассматривают различия как предмет конфликтов; конфликты, связанные с идентичностью и признанием, как аспекты культурных различий. Автор обсуждает проблемы и конкретные рекомендации для проектирования процессов в культурно-сложных конфликтах.

  • Year 2007
  • Author(s) Michelle LeBaron
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Varieties of State-Building in the Balkans: A Case for Shifting FocusHandbook Article

Takes a critical look at the debate on state failure, examining the various ways that state-building programmes have impacted on the successor states of the former Yugoslavia. The author shows how unchallenged assumptions, unrealistic expectations and ignorance of local contexts can lead to political orders being imposed with little regard for domestic legitimacy or locally-driven solutions. Instead of explaining away the predictably poor outcomes, she suggests the need for critical appraisal of those driving the state-building agenda. (The article builds on ideas first contributed to Dialogue Series No 8)
  • Year 2011
  • Author(s) Susan Woodward
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Security Sector Reform in Developing and Transitional Countries RevisitedHandbook Article

Takes a critical look at the debate on state failure, examining the various ways that state-building programmes have impacted on the successor states of the former Yugoslavia. The author shows how unchallenged assumptions, unrealistic expectations and ignorance of local contexts can lead to political orders being imposed with little regard for domestic legitimacy or locally-driven solutions. Instead of explaining away the predictably poor outcomes, she suggests the need for critical appraisal of those driving the state-building agenda. (The article builds on ideas first contributed to Dialogue Series No 8)
  • Year 2011
  • Author(s) Herbert Wulf
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Conflict Transformation and the Corporate Agenda - Opportunities for SynergyHandbook Article

Takes a critical look at the debate on state failure, examining the various ways that state-building programmes have impacted on the successor states of the former Yugoslavia. The author shows how unchallenged assumptions, unrealistic expectations and ignorance of local contexts can lead to political orders being imposed with little regard for domestic legitimacy or locally-driven solutions. Instead of explaining away the predictably poor outcomes, she suggests the need for critical appraisal of those driving the state-building agenda. (The article builds on ideas first contributed to Dialogue Series No 8)
  • Year 2011
  • Author(s) Luc Zandvliet
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On Hybrid Political Orders and Emerging States: State-Formation in the Context of 'Fragility"Handbook Article

Puts forth the claim that conflict transformation and peacebuilding need to be of a hybrid nature and combine traditional, state- and civil society-centred approaches in order to be successful. The authors critically discuss the discourse on failing states and the current state of the art in state-building. They review successes and failures in the context of Somaliland, Bougainville and East Timor.

  • Year 2008
  • Author(s) Volker Boege, Anne Brown, Kevin Clements, Anna Nolan
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The Role of Local Business in PeacebuildingHandbook Article

Presents a wide range of examples for roles of local business in conflict resolution. It looks specifically at why it is useful to engage local businesses in peacebuilding, how this can best be approached, what forms such engagement can take - from the micro to the macro level - and with whom it is most likely to succeed.
  • Year 2005
  • Author(s) Nick Killick, VS Sriantha, Canan Gunduz
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Conflict Transformation through State ReformHandbook Article

Explores the significance of state reform for transformation of war-torn areas. The author presents three strategic approaches: participatory strategies (i.e. democratisation, strengthening of civil society, dialogue); institution building and institutional reform (i.e. federalisation, decentralisation, constitutional and judicial reform); and security needs (i.e. human rights, human security). (revised for 2004 print edition)

  • Year 2004
  • Author(s) Günter Bächler
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Трансформация конфликтов посредством государственной реформыHandbook Article

[Аннотация машинный перевод] Исследует значение государственной реформы для преобразования раздираемых войной территорий. Автор представляет три стратегических подхода: стратегии участия (т.е. демократизация, укрепление гражданского общества, диалог); институциональное строительство и институциональная реформа (т.е. федерализация, децентрализация, конституционная и судебная реформа); и потребности безопасности (например, права человека, безопасность человека). (переработано для печатного издания 2004 г.)

  • Year 2007
  • Author(s) Günter Bächler
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Gestión de conflictos mediante la reforma del estadoHandbook Article

[Resumen traducido automáticamente] Explora la importancia de la reforma estatal para la transformación de áreas devastadas por la guerra. El autor presenta tres enfoques estratégicos: estrategias participativas (es decir, democratización, fortalecimiento de la sociedad civil, diálogo); fortalecimiento institucional y reforma institucional (es decir, federalización, descentralización, reforma constitucional y judicial); y necesidades de seguridad (es decir, derechos humanos, seguridad humana). (revisado para la edición impresa de 2004)

  • Year 2002
  • Author(s) Günter Bächler
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