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Métodos de intervención de terceras partesHandbook Article

[Resumen traducido automáticamente] Revisa varias formas de intervención de terceros (por ejemplo, conciliación, consulta, mediación, mediación de poder, arbitraje y mantenimiento de la paz), centrándose en la mediación. Usando un modelo de contingencia básico, el autor describe qué rol de tercero puede ser más exitoso en qué contexto. Se introducen temas críticos, que incluyen: cultura, asimetrías de poder, sesgos, oportunidad, efectividad, coordinación y ética de la intervención. (actualizado y revisado para la edición impresa de 2011)

  • Year 2002
  • Author(s) Ron Fisher
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Üçüncü Taraf Müdahale YöntemleriHandbook Article

[Özet makine çevirisi] Arabuluculuğa odaklanarak çeşitli üçüncü taraf müdahale biçimlerini (örneğin uzlaştırma, danışma, arabuluculuk, iktidar arabuluculuğu, tahkim ve barışı koruma) inceler. Yazar, temel bir beklenmedik durum modeli kullanarak, hangi üçüncü taraf rolünün hangi bağlamda en başarılı olabileceğini özetlemektedir. Kültür, güç asimetrileri, önyargılar, zamanlama, etkililik, koordinasyon ve müdahale etiği dahil olmak üzere kritik konular tanıtılır. (2011 baskı baskısı için güncellenmiş ve revize edilmiştir)

  • Year 2002
  • Author(s) Ron Fisher
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Nonviolent Resistance and Conflict Transformation in Power AsymmetriesHandbook Article

This article examines the contribution of nonviolent resistance to conflict transformation processes. It reviews conceptual and empirical developments in the field of nonviolent resistance (both ‘principled’ and ‘pragmatic’ trends), and examines the roles played by nonviolent action in support of peacemaking and peacebuilding, by transforming unbalanced power relations in preparation for conflict negotiations, and by using self-limiting conflict strategies which reduce inter-party polarisation and encourage democratic practices. Empirical illustrations are drawn from the first Palestinian intifada (1987-1993).

  • Year 2008
  • Author(s) Véronique Dudouet
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Resistencia no violenta en las asimetrías de poderHandbook Article

[Resumen traducido automáticamente] Este artículo examina la contribución de la resistencia noviolenta a los procesos de transformación de conflictos. Revisa los desarrollos conceptuales y empíricos en el campo de la resistencia noviolenta (tendencias tanto 'de principios' como 'pragmáticas'), y examina los roles que desempeña la acción noviolenta en apoyo del establecimiento y la consolidación de la paz, transformando las relaciones de poder desequilibradas en preparación para las negociaciones de conflictos. y mediante el uso de estrategias de conflicto autolimitadas que reducen la polarización entre partidos y fomentan las prácticas democráticas. Las ilustraciones empíricas se extraen de la primera intifada palestina (1987-1993).

  • Year 2012
  • Author(s) Véronique Dudouet
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Preparing for Nonviolence – Experiences in the Western BalkansHandbook Article

Reflects on experiences and lessons learned from an insider activist’s and practitioner’s point of view. The author looks back at over a decade of training practice at the Centre for Nonviolent Action (CNA) in the Western Balkans, offering provocative thoughts on goals and methods, trainer-participant relations and dilemmas such as sustaining momentum, the risk of individual burn-out and the hope for achieving social change. (Updated for the 2011 print edition.)
  • Year 2011
  • Author(s) Nenad Vukosavljevic
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Training for Conflict Transformation – An Overview of ApproachesHandbook Article

Seeks to provide a first orientation for an audience less familiar with the field of conflict transformation and its educational possibilities. Questions raised include: who is offering training for which target audience? What are strengths and shortcomings? Are there criteria that help assess training? What challenges remain, what recommendations can be made for improving training offers? The article has an extensive reference section covering training manuals and materials, organisations, resources and analyses. (updated and revised for 2011 print edition)

  • Year 2011
  • Author(s) Beatrix Austin
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Capacitación en transformación de conflictos. Un análisis de abordajesHandbook Article

[Resumen traducido automáticamente] Busca proporcionar una primera orientación para una audiencia menos familiarizada con el campo de la transformación de conflictos y sus posibilidades educativas. Las preguntas planteadas incluyen: ¿quién ofrece formación para qué público objetivo? ¿Cuáles son las fortalezas y las deficiencias? ¿Existen criterios que ayuden a evaluar la formación? ¿Qué retos quedan, qué recomendaciones se pueden hacer para mejorar la oferta formativa? El artículo tiene una sección de referencia extensa que cubre manuales y materiales de capacitación, organizaciones, recursos y análisis. (actualizado y revisado para la edición impresa de 2011)

  • Year 2013
  • Author(s) Beatrix Austin
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The Training Process: Achieving Social Impact by Training Individuals?Handbook Article

Discusses how to make sure that training for conflict transformation has an impact on conflict transformation. Written from a trainer's perspective, the article argues that the impact potential of training is heavily influenced by decisions made in the planning and realisation phase. The author shares his insights on analysis, strategy development, participant and trainer selection, training contents and formats, follow-up support, the importance of process, and unavoidable negative impacts.
  • Year 2005
  • Author(s) Dirk Sprenger
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Facilitation Skills for Interpersonal TransformationHandbook Article

Describes the most important skills and tools facilitators need in order to enhance capacities at the individual and interpersonal level. The author presents: skills used in moment-by-moment interaction with parties; techniques for facilitating sustained dialogue; and principles of process design for addressing the larger institutional and structural realities of conflicts. (revised for 2004 print edition)

  • Year 2004
  • Author(s) Ron Kraybill
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Навыки достижения межличностной трансформацииHandbook Article

[Резюме переведено автоматически] Описывает наиболее важные навыки и инструменты, которые необходимы фасилитаторам для повышения их способностей на индивидуальном и межличностном уровне. Автор представляет: навыки, используемые в моментальном взаимодействии со сторонами; методы содействия устойчивому диалогу; и принципы разработки процессов для решения более крупных институциональных и структурных реалий конфликтов. (переработано для печатного издания 2004 г.)

  • Year 2007
  • Author(s) Ron Kraybill
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