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Social Change and Conflict TransformationHandbook Dialogue Series No. 5 - complete

In his lead article, Christopher Mitchell, Professor Emeritus of George Mason University’s Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (ICAR), sets out a framework for thinking systematically about the relationship between conflict and (social) change. He considers necessary changes to bring about the resolution of conflict, as well as obstacles to such changes, and envisions possible roles for agents of change. Five authors have expanded on, and critically reviewed, this lead article: Ed Garcia (International Alert), Chris Spies (UNDP Guyana), Ilana Shapiro (University of Massachusetts), Vivienne Jabri (King's College London) and Daniela Körppen (Berghof Peace Support).

  • Year 2006
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New Trends in PCIAHandbook Dialogue Series No. 4 - complete

Questions of effectiveness, impact and evaluation continue to be most relevant for the field of peacebuilding and conflict transformation: Adam Barbolet, Rachel Goldwyn, Hesta Groenewald & Andrew Sherriff report with intimate knowledge on the development of "conflict sensitivity" as an alternative to PCIA; Kenneth Bush sends thought-provoking "field notes", reflecting on his learning in the context of applying PCIA in the South; Thania Paffenholz presents a comprehensive overview of the "Aid for Peace Approach". Short reflection papers by all authors shed light on progress and controversy regarding the new trends in peace and conflict impact assessment.

  • Year 2005
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Transforming War Economies: Dilemmas and StrategiesHandbook Dialogue Series No. 3 - complete

This Dialogue sets out to assess the usefulness of current analytic approaches and policy recommendations in dealing constructively with war economies. Starting off with an overview of the state of the debate by Karen Ballentine and Heiko Nitzschke, respondents from a broad variety of backgrounds add their reflections, strategies and critique.

  • Year 2005
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Security Sector Reform: Potentials and Challenges for Conflict TransformationHandbook Dialogue Series No. 2 - complete

Violent crises and internal wars are often consequences of the failure of states to provide stability and security for their citizens. International organisations and development agencies, in order to overcome cultures of violence and to support nation-building processes, have focused on security sector reform as an integral part of third-party intervention in recent years. This issue of the Berghof Handbook Dialogue Series examines the arguments for engagement with the security sector and provides an analysis of the dilemmas that arise, along with suggestions for how they might be overcome.

  • Year 2004
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Peace and Conflict Impact Assessment: Critical Views on Theory and PracticeHandbook Dialogue Series No. 1 - complete

Over the last ten years, interest in conflict prevention and peacebuilding activities has increased significantly. As a result of this interest, there is a high demand for "model" projects, examples of good practice and "lessons learned" which can be transferred to other projects and regions. Supply, though, does not match this demand. There are still no quick and easy answers to the question of how best to assess, monitor and evaluate peace practices. On the contrary, experience shows that assessing and measuring the impact and outcomes of peacebuilding activities is actually a very complicated task. The articles and comments in this first issue of the Berghof Handbook Dialogue Series reflect the state of the art in peace and conflict impact assessment (PCIA) from a variety of angles.

  • Year 2003
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Peace Counts Learning Manual

The Peace Counts Learning Package was developed in the framework of the project Peace Counts. It is directed to multipliers of peace education who would like to work with stories of peacebuilders around the world.

  • Year 2015
  • Author(s) Uli Jäger, Nadine Ritzi, Anne Romund
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Streitkultur - Eine Bilderbox. Konflikteskalation und Konfliktbearbeitung

Die Plakatserie wurde speziell für die Bildungsarbeit entwickelt. Plakate und Bildkarten sind Hilfsmittel um die Dynamik von Konflikten verständlich zu machen und Anhaltspunkte für Möglichkeiten der konstruktiven Bearbeitung aufzuzeigen. Die Bilder sind symbolhafte Verdichtungen, die sowohl auf der individuellen, der gesellschaftlichen als auch auf der internationalen Ebene verstanden werden können. Die Bilderbox enthält die Plakate Streitkultur und Konfliktlösung.

  • Year 2015
  • Author(s) Günther Gugel, Uli Jäger
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Insider MediatorsExploring Their Key Role in Informal Peace Processes

This report sheds light on a key set of actors in peace processes: insider mediators. It is based on the experience that most official peace processes are initiated or supplemented by informal, non-official peace processes, and that such processes are often facilitated by people from the conflict regions, with in-depth knowledge and great dedication to work on the conflict.

In order to explore the specific role, potential and limitations of local and regional “insider” mediators in today’s peace processes, the Berghof Foundation (then BPS) in cooperation with the Mediation Support Project of Swisspeace/CSS-ETH Zurich invited a dozen insider mediators from different parts of the world (Algeria, Burundi, D. R. Congo, Germany, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Mali, Mexico, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Switzerland and Uganda).

  • Year 2009
  • Author(s) Simon Mason
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Friedliche EinmischungStrukturen, Prozesse und Strategien zur konstruktiven Bearbeitung ethnopolitischer Konflikte (Report Nr. 1)

Die Hoffnungen auf eine friedliche Welt nach dem Ende des Ost-West-Konflikts sind verflogen. Zwischen 1988 und 1990 schien die Zahl der Kriege zurückzugehen. Danach hat sich jedoch der bereits seit 1960 bestehende Trend einer nahezu kontinuierlichen Zunahme der Zahl militärischer Konflikte wieder durchgesetzt. 1993 zählte die niederländische PIOOM-Forschungsgruppe insgesamt 22 Kriege mit mehr als 1.000 Todesopfern und 84 Kriege mit einer geringeren Opferzahl.

  • Year 1995
  • Author(s) Norbert Ropers
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Peaceful InterventionStructures, Processes and Strategies for the Constructive Regulation of Ethnopolitical Conflicts

The hopes for a more peaceful world following the end of the East–West conflict have evaporated. Between 1988 and 1990, the number of wars seemed to decline. After that, however, the trend that had existed since 1960 towards a virtually continuous increase in the number of military conflicts resumed. In 1993, the Netherlands-based PIOOM research group recorded a total of twenty-two wars involving over 1,000 deaths, and eighty-four wars involving a lesser number of victims.

  • Year 1995
  • Author(s) Norbert Ropers
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