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National Dialogues at crossroads: A seriesNational Dialogues x Climate Change
Over the next decades, climate change will profoundly affect the socio-ecological systems that underpin human societies and result in fundamental social change. Besides its potential to stir tensions or exacerbate violent conflicts, in some contexts, it may provide space for political actors to address long-standing tensions around natural resources or to build new alliances in order to address environmental challenges. But when might a National Dialogue be an appropriate tool to address climate change? Read more about the complex relationship between climate change and National Dialogue processes in this paper.
- Year 2023
- Author(s) McKenzie Johnson

National Dialogues at crossroads: A seriesNational Dialogues x Protest Movements
What are the challenges for organising a National Dialogue process in the context of popular uprisings? What are opportunities for National Dialogues to be successful when active social movements are involved? In this paper, Isabel Bramsen analyses how National Dialogue processes need to be designed, conducted and implemented to allow for inclusive change through the involvement of protest movements.
- Year 2023
- Author(s) Isabel Bramsen

National Dialogues at crossroadsA series
This series analyses how to best integrate cross-cutting topics in the design of National Dialogues and how to meaningfully include specific societal groups.
- Collection 4 items

Women mediators in peaceful protest movements
We support female insider mediators in peaceful protest movements to enhance their conflict resolution capacities.
- Current Project

The crucial role of women mediators in war-torn Cameroon, and the risks they takeGerman Africa Prize 2023 awarded to the "1st National Women’s Convention for Peace in Cameroon"
In Cameroon, women mediators manage to broker deals amidst rampant violent conflicts. Our colleague Carla Schraml interviewed a group of them for her latest study.
- blog post 30 Nov 2023
- Author(s) Carla Schraml

How local authorities in Yemen respond to the effects of the climate crisis
Local authorities gathered at a conference in Mukalla, Yemen in order to develop responses to environmental degradation.
- blog post 5 Dec 2023
- Author(s) Hasan Shujaa

I Have To Speak: Colombia and UgandaFemale ex-combatants in their own voices
This booklet seeks to amplify some of the hidden and forgotten voices in conflict. The stories of female ex-combatants from diverse political, religious, ethnic and national backgrounds show that women and their experiences of armed conflict and its aftermath have to be taken seriously for building sustainable peace.
- Year 2023
- Author(s) Beatrice Aciro, Grace Arach, Violeta Guetnamova, Isabelle Kawka

Yo Tengo Que Hablar: Colombia y UgandaMujeres Excombatientes, En Sus Propias Voces
Esta publicación busca amplificar algunas de las voces ocultas y olvidadas en el conflicto. Las historias de mujeres excombatientes de diversos orígenes políticos, religiosos, étnicos y nacionales muestran que las mujeres y sus experiencias de conflictos armados y sus secuelas deben tomarse en serio para construir una paz sostenible.
- Year 2023
- Author(s) Beatrice Aciro, Grace Arach, Violeta Guetnamova, Isabelle Kawka

Climate security challenges in IraqEntry points for local-level dialogue
Iraq has begun to feel the brunt of climate change and an increase in climate-related security risks.
- Year 2023