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اليمن: ملامح مشجعة للسلام، ولكن لا يزال الطريق طويلاً.
ثمة أساب حقيقية تبعث على الأمل في اليمن، ولكن على المجتمع الدولي التحرك بسرعة مع الحرص على مشاركة جميع الأطراف.
- blog post 4 Aug 2023
- Author(s) Andrew Gilmour, Calum Humphreys

Human rights in mediationThe heart of the matter
In her book, Katarina Månsson examines the relationship between human rights and mediation by analysing past and present mediation processes, from the early beginnings of United Nation's mediation efforts to recent examples like the peace process in Colombia.
- Year 2023
- Author(s) Katarina Månsson

Unveiling the unseen: Applying a feminist lens to digital peacebuilding
Our latest report with Build Up explores the transformative power of feminist and intersectional perspectives on digital peacebuilding.
- blog post 21 Aug 2023
- Author(s) Nina Strumpf

Video: Human rights in mediationBook launch
Watch our book launch event to learn more about how human rights can support mediators in assisting parties to conflict settle their disputes peacefully.
- event 12 Sept 2023

The heart of the matterHuman rights in mediation
A call on mediation and human rights experts to work together for holistic approaches to peace.
- blog post 30 Aug 2023
- Author(s) Katarina Månsson

New deputy head of Berghof Foundation
The Berlin-based Berghof Foundation has announced the appointment of Chris Coulter as its new Deputy Executive Director.
- press release 31 Aug 2023

Combining technology with storytelling in Hirshabelle State, Somalia
Information and communication technologies offer opportunities for bringing people together and for joint learning. Read how insider peacebuilders use technology and storytelling in Somalia.
- Impact