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"Weil das jetzt wirklich in den Mainstream reingeht“Aktuelle Radikalisierungsdynamiken aus Sicht der Praxis Ergebnisse der regionalen Expert*innenbefragung 2022/2023
Dieser Artikel beleuchtet relevante Zugänge zu extremistischen Millieus und das aktuelle Radikalisierungsgeschehen in Deutschland.
- Year 2023
- Author(s) Michaela Glaser
Inclusive governance and accountability
An inclusive governance infrastructure with accountable institutions, that are capable of effectively responding to communities' needs, is vital for addressing economic factors that drive conflict within societies.
From Entry Points to Sustainable Action: Equipping Peace Processes for Accountability and IntegrityThe Case of the Bangsamoro
The Bangsamoro peace process is an interesting case study to analyse potential entry-points for stronger integration of anti-corruption measures into peace processes.
- Year 2024
- Author(s) Balázs Áron Kovács
Video: Accountability and integrity in peace processesThe case of the Bangsamoro
Watch the launch event of our latest report on the role of anti-corruption efforts in the Bangsamoro peace process in the Philippines.
- event 1 Feb 2024
Tessa Schindler
Project Officer, Peace Education
- Berghof People
የአገራዊ ምክክር የባለሙያዎችመመሪያ መፅሐፍ (ዋና ማጠቃለያ)
ባለፉት አስርት አመታት፣ አገራዊ ምክክሮች የአመጽ መስፋፋትን ለማሰወገድ፤ የፖለቲካ ቀውስን እና ሽግግሮችን ለመግራት እንደ ዋነኛ መሳሪያ መታየት ጀምረዋል። ምንም እንኳን በመንግስታት፣ ተቃዋሚ ፓርቲዎች፣ የሲቪል ማህበራት እና ታጣቂ ኃይሎች፤ እንዲሁም በአለም-አቀፍ ፖሊሲ፤ ሙያዊ፤ ዲፕሎማሲያዊ እና ለጋሽ ክበቦች መካከል በስፋት ውይይት የሚደረግባቸው ቢሆንም፣ የእውቅናቸውን ያህል እስካሁን ድረስ የፅንሰ-ሃሳብ ግልፅነት ይጎድላቸዋል። በተጨማሪም አገራዊ ምክክርን ከፖለቲካ አጣብቂኝ፤ ከሚከፋፍሉ የግጭት ክስተቶች እና ከምስቅልቅል የሽግግር ወቅቶች ለመሻገሪያነት እንደ አማራጭ መፍትሄ ለመጠቀም ለሚሹ አካላትም ቢሆን ጥልቅ ሙያዊ እውቀት የሚሠጡ፤ እንደ የተግባር መመሪያ እና ግብአት የሚያገለግሉ ውስን ጽሑፎች ብቻ ይገኛሉ፡፡
- Year 2023
Thomas Ritzer
Senior Advisor Climate and Peace, Executive Office
- Berghof People
Peace conference launched in Berlin in response to escalating conflicts“The Berlin Moot: Reshaping Peace” will take place for the first time in April
Hosted by the Berghof Foundation, the conference will offer an opportunity for global experts and mediators to pioneer new approaches to peacemaking.
- press release 31 Jan 2024
Friedenskonferenz in Berlin als Antwort auf eskalierende Konflikte"The Berlin Moot: Reshaping Peace" wird erstmals am 17. und 18. April 2024 stattfinden
Auf der von der Berghof Foundation organisierten Konferenz entwickeln globalen Expert*innen und Mediator*innen neue Ansätze zur Konfliktbearbeitung.
- press release 31 Jan 2024
Synthesis Paper: Under crossfireThe courageous work of women faith-based mediators to prevent, mitigate and resolve violent conflicts
Women faith-based mediators use creative strategies to achieve results despite the barriers they face and while working under risky conditions. But because their efforts and achievements remain largely invisible, together with the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers, we want to give visibility to these brave women, to their daily struggles as well as unmatched courage and perseverance.
- Year 2023
- Author(s) Carla Schraml, Luxshi Vimalarajah