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Our work supports the development of locally appropriate and inclusive mechanisms to prevent violence.

In Colombia, a peace from and for the territoriesHow a regional focus informs national efforts to sustain the peace

We support the creation of mechanisms that help Colombians to engage with and enable peace in their communities.

  • Impact
Consultative committee meeting with the governor of Hadramawt at Mukalla, Hadramawt, Yemen.

Keeping doors open in Yemen

We continue to support inclusive Yemeni dialogues on the framework, substance, and mechanisms of a peace process.

  • Impact
Dialogue Conference on Ethiopia's Foreign and Security Policy at the African Union in October 2019

Working towards an Ethiopian national dialogue

We promote inclusive dialogue among key Ethiopian stakeholders to address major fault lines in the country.

  • Impact
Soccer game during a workshop at one of the model schools for peace education in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany.

Engaging youth for peace in Germany

We run projects that enable young people to recognise peace and nonviolence as important values in their lives.

  • Impact
Video training in Banda Aceh, Indonesia.

Women’s agency in war and peace

We provide support to women in resistance and liberation movements to enhance their inclusion in peace processes and political transitions.

  • Impact
Participants at a Shir, a traditional Somali assembly, in Balad, Hirshabelle State, Somalia.

Insider peacebuilders resolving local conflicts in Somalia

We supported the creation of a network of insider peacebuilders who have the skills and experience to encourage dialogue and reconciliation in Somali communities.

  • Impact
Workshop participants at Azraq refugee camp, Jordan.

Supporting Syrian refugees in Jordan

Working with partners and refugees themselves, we organised trainings and activities that promote peace education, theatre and self-care for Syrian refugees in Jordan.

  • Impact
Young people coming together at the Step Forward workshop in Sukhum/i.

Supporting reconciliation in the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict

'Biographical salons' provide a unique space where old wounds can be aired, different perspectives are shared, and people take steps toward reconciliation.

  • Impact
Impact Story Image

Solving local conflicts to unblock developmentAn example from Yemen

In Al-Absiyya, a small village in Yemen’s mountainous central highlands, the brand-new local health centre lay slowly falling apart for the last four years.

  • Impact
Former combatants during an exchange workshop

Creating space for female ex-combatants in ColombiaWe supported a public forum with 100 women on their experiences and challenges as former fighters to encourage exchange and women's participation in peace processes.

We supported a public forum with 100 women on their experiences and challenges as former fighters to encourage exchange and women's participation in peace processes.

  • Impact
  1. 106
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  5. 110
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