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Members of the community safety committee in Crater handing over firefighting kits to selected neighbourhoods and mosques.

From fighting fires to weathering food crises: Community safety makes an impact in Yemen

Together with our Yemeni partners, we work in five cities to improve the local communities' abilities to provide a safe environment for their citizens.

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Community members from Bulla Burte engaged in the Climate Security & Conflict Transformation workshop led by IPN members.

Combining technology with storytelling in Hirshabelle State, Somalia

Information and communication technologies offer opportunities for bringing people together and for joint learning. Read how insider peacebuilders use technology and storytelling in Somalia.

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Margaret has improved irrigation schemes by managing conflicts between irrigation farmers in Midlands Province, Zimbabwe.

Insider mediator secures water supply for local farmers in ZimbabweRead Margaret Chaikosa's story!

Together with Africa University, we train “insider mediators” in Zimbabwe so they can solve conflicts in their communities.

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Owen Dhliwayo with community members who face eviction before they head into a training on land rights in Chipinge district, Zimbabwe.

Insider mediation training helped halt evictions in ZimbabweRead Owen Dhliwayo’s story!

In Zimbabwe, we provide training to "insider mediators" that enables them to address and resolve conflicts in their communities.

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When you donate to Berghof, you enable us to sustain and expand our work where it is most needed. Whether through a single donation or recurring contribution, your support gives peace a fighting chance.

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Your support is an investment in peace.
When you donate to Berghof, you enable us to sustain and expand our work where it is most needed. Whether through a single donation or recurring contribution, your support gives peace a fighting chance.

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A perceived incompatibility of interests, needs and wants between individuals or groups.

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Conflict sensitivity

The ability to understand the conflict one is operating in, to understand the interaction between own actions and the conflict, and to use this understanding to avoid negative impacts and maximise positive impacts on the conflict.

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Conflict transformation

A complex process of constructively changing relationships, attitudes, behaviours, interests and discourses in violence-prone conflict settings. Importantly, conflict transformation addresses and changes underlying structures, cultures and institutions that encourage and condition violent political and social conflict over the long term.

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