Read our annual report 2023

Read our annual report 2023

4 Mar 2024

Political reintegration and the continuation of the struggle after war

Women ex-combatants in formal and informal politics

This is the second issue of our policy insight series on gender-inclusive conflict transformation. This paper explores the political re-conversion pathways that women ex-combatants pursue after the signing of a peace agreement. From 2022 to 2023, we engaged in focus group discussions, interviews, and peer-learning workshops with over 70 women ex-combatants from Colombia, El Salvador, and the Philippines. In this publication, we present their testimonies and analyse their experiences of continuing their engagement post-war through nonviolent means in both formal and informal political spheres.


Claudia Cruz Almeida, Véronique Dudouet, Johanna-Maria Hülzer


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