Video: Accountability and integrity in peace processes

The case of the Bangsamoro

A man walks near houses swept away by landslides in Sibagat, Agusan del Sur in the southern Philippine island of Mindanao. A man walks near houses swept away by landslides in Sibagat, Agusan del Sur in the southern Philippine island of Mindanao. Photo © picture alliance / Reuters | Eric de Castro

Watch the launch event of our latest report on the role of anti-corruption efforts in the Bangsamoro peace process in the Philippines.


To what extent are corruption and violence interlinked? And can the integration of anti-corruption measures in peace processes make sustainable peace more likely? Our researcher Balázs Áron Kovács answers these questions in his latest reportFrom Entry Points to Sustainable Action: Equipping Peace Processes for Accountability and Integrity – The Case of the Bangsamoro.

The 2014 Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro between the government of the Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front is now in its ninth year of implementation. At our launch event, we focused on the opportunities to address corruption created by the peace agreement. We also highlighted how the interplay between corruption, new accountability measures and peacebuilding efforts affects the sustainability of peace in the Bangsamoro. Together with experts and practitioners, we indicated potential entry points for integrating anti-corruption and peacebuilding efforts and discussed lessons learned for other peace processes.

The report builds on the Berghof Foundation’s mapping study ‘Breaking the vicious cycle: Entry points for anti-corruption in peace processes.’ It connects the Bangsamoro case to broader thematic questions of how to better address corruption in peace processes.

Accountability and integrity in peace processes

The case of the Bangsamoro

1 February 2024
13:00 - 14:00 CET

Online event via Zoom.

This event was held in English.


Input by Balázs Áron Kovács, independent peacebuilding consultant


  • Diana Chigas, Professor of Practice in International Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, Tufts University
  • Marc Batac, peacebuilder and Council Member of the International Peace Bureau
  • Joshua Rogers, Senior Project Manager/Advisor, Berghof Foundation

Moderated by Beatrix Austin, Head of Conflict Transformation Research Department, Berghof Foundation.


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