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Explore our publications, from research papers and series to educational materials, covering all aspects of conflict transformation and peace promotion.

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Potential and Limits of Traditional Approaches in PeacebuildingHandbook Article

Explores the role of traditional or customary methods in transforming violent conflicts, assessing both strengths and weaknesses. The author embeds his discussion in the debate about failing/weak states, globalisation and the relationship between the global North and South, putting forth the concept of ‘hybrid political orders’. Drawing on the prime example of Bougainville, he is able to characterize “one of the rare success stories of peacebuilding in today’s world”. (updated and revised for 2011 print edition)
  • Year2011
  • Author(s)Volker Boege
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A Systemic Approach: Reflections on Sri LankaHandbook Article

Demonstrates the potential of systemic conflict transformation tools as applied to the civil war and peace process in Sri Lanka, based on dialogue and capacity building work carried out from 2001-2008. Taking on board the complexity, dynamism and non-linear development paths of protracted conflict systems, the author offers some insightful ways to help mobilise the “internal resources” inherent to a system as a means of solving problems and to re-conceptualise peace as a learning process. (updated for 2011 print edition)

  • Year2011
  • Author(s)Norbert Ropers
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Evaluating Peacebuilding: Not Yet All It Could BeHandbook Article

Assesses the quality of peacebuilding evaluation work being undertaken in a rapidly professionalizing field. The author gives several examples of good and bad practice and suggests that current evaluation practice is failing to foster accountability and learning quite as well as it could. She explores reasons why evaluation may fall short of established quality standards or stray from its explicitly stated purpose, offering recommendations for improvement to researchers, practitioners and donors alike.
  • Year2011
  • Author(s)Cheyanne Scharbatke-Church
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"Frameworkers" and "Circlers" – Exploring Assumptions in Impact AssessmentHandbook Article

Unpacks some of the hidden hypotheses underlying current assessment methodologies. The author argues that two (ideal type) constituencies interact – and sometimes clash – in development and peacebuilding work. She sets out to clarify their contending perspectives and illustrates ways in which both approaches can enrich each other and further the ultimate task of achieving effective impact monitoring and evaluation. (updated and revised for 2011 print edition)

  • Year2011
  • Author(s)Reina C. Neufeldt
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A More Violent World? Global Trends in Organised ViolenceHandbook Article

Presents robust quantitative data challenging the widespread notion that worldwide trends in violent conflict are increasing. This reflects changes in the nature of warfare, but also points to some possible successful outcomes of recent peacebuilding work. The analysis, conducted as part of the Human Security Report Project, extends beyond state-based conflicts to also cover non-state actors involved in conflict and assaults that target civilians.

  • Year2011
  • Author(s)Tara Cooper, Sebastian Merz, Mila Shah
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Seeking Compromise? Mediation through the Eyes of Conflict PartiesHandbook Article

Adopts an empathetic view on mediation from the perspective of conflict parties who may or may not choose to engage in it. Addressing five crucial questions - why, when, where and from whom third-party mediation might be sought, and what results are expected of it - the authors draw up recommendations for those trying to offer or support mediation processes. They put special emphasis on the role of insider mediators and the need for multi-partiality.
  • Year2011
  • Author(s)Hans-Joachim Giessmann, Oliver Wils
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Preparing for Nonviolence – Experiences in the Western BalkansHandbook Article

Reflects on experiences and lessons learned from an insider activist’s and practitioner’s point of view. The author looks back at over a decade of training practice at the Centre for Nonviolent Action (CNA) in the Western Balkans, offering provocative thoughts on goals and methods, trainer-participant relations and dilemmas such as sustaining momentum, the risk of individual burn-out and the hope for achieving social change. (Updated for the 2011 print edition.)
  • Year2011
  • Author(s)Nenad Vukosavljevic
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Training for Conflict Transformation – An Overview of ApproachesHandbook Article

Seeks to provide a first orientation for an audience less familiar with the field of conflict transformation and its educational possibilities. Questions raised include: who is offering training for which target audience? What are strengths and shortcomings? Are there criteria that help assess training? What challenges remain, what recommendations can be made for improving training offers? The article has an extensive reference section covering training manuals and materials, organisations, resources and analyses. (updated and revised for 2011 print edition)

  • Year2011
  • Author(s)Beatrix Austin
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Varieties of State-Building in the Balkans: A Case for Shifting FocusHandbook Article

Takes a critical look at the debate on state failure, examining the various ways that state-building programmes have impacted on the successor states of the former Yugoslavia. The author shows how unchallenged assumptions, unrealistic expectations and ignorance of local contexts can lead to political orders being imposed with little regard for domestic legitimacy or locally-driven solutions. Instead of explaining away the predictably poor outcomes, she suggests the need for critical appraisal of those driving the state-building agenda. (The article builds on ideas first contributed to Dialogue Series No 8)
  • Year2011
  • Author(s)Susan Woodward
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Security Sector Reform in Developing and Transitional Countries RevisitedHandbook Article

Takes a critical look at the debate on state failure, examining the various ways that state-building programmes have impacted on the successor states of the former Yugoslavia. The author shows how unchallenged assumptions, unrealistic expectations and ignorance of local contexts can lead to political orders being imposed with little regard for domestic legitimacy or locally-driven solutions. Instead of explaining away the predictably poor outcomes, she suggests the need for critical appraisal of those driving the state-building agenda. (The article builds on ideas first contributed to Dialogue Series No 8)
  • Year2011
  • Author(s)Herbert Wulf
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