Read takeaways from THE BERLIN MOOT 2024

Read takeaways from THE BERLIN MOOT 2024

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Explore our publications, from research papers and series to educational materials, covering all aspects of conflict transformation and peace promotion.

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De Combatientes a Constructores de PazUna Defensa de las Transiciones incluyentes, participativas y holísticas hacia la Seguridad

La ‘guerra contra el terrorismo’, lanzada por el gobierno de los Estados Unidos y sus aliados luego de los ataques del 11 de septiembre de 2001 en Nueva York y Washington, transformó profundamente el entorno geopolítico de la última década. En particular, la preponderancia de los enfoques de línea dura en materia de seguridad respecto de los conflictos inter- e intra-estatales han llevado a que todas las formas de insurgencia armada en contra del orden sociopolítico establecido se interpreten, de manera general, a través del lente del ‘terrorismo’, sin tener en cuenta la naturaleza de esos actores, su grado de legitimidad social o sus roles y aspiraciones políticas. Esas tendencias han afectado severamente las dinámicas de los conflictos armados, así como el desarrollo de los procesos de paz y los entornos de posguerra. De hecho existe una tendencia creciente a considerar a todos los actores armados como ‘corruptores de la paz’ a quienes hay que combatir a toda costa, o al menos pacificar mediante el desarme, la desmovilización y la reintegración (DDR), en lugar de verlos como agentes de cambio que pueden desempeñar papeles constructivos en el logro de la paz y la construcción de estados más legítimos.

  • Year2012
  • Author(s)Véronique Dudouet, Hans-Joachim Giessmann, Katrin Planta
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De Combattants à Constructeurs de PaixPlaidoyer pour des Transitions Sécuritaires Inclusives, Participatives et Holistiques

La ‘guerre contre la terreur’, lancée par le gouvernement des Etats Unis (EU) et ses alliés à la suite des attaques du 11 septembre 2001 à New York et à Washington, a profondément transformé l’environnement géopolitique de la dernière décennie. La dominance des approches militaires et policières face aux conflits inter- et intra-étatiques a conduit à une interprétation généralisée de toutes les formes d’insurrections armées défiant l’ordre socio-politique établi à travers le spectre du ‘terrorisme’, et ce, indépendamment de la nature de tels acteurs, de leur degré de légitimité sociale et de leurs rôles et aspirations politiques. De telles tendances ont considérablement affecté non seulement les dynamiques des conflits armés, mais aussi le déroulement des processus de paix et les environnements d’après-guerre. Il est de plus en plus courant de considérer tous les acteurs armés comme des ‘saboteurs’ à combattre à tout prix ou, au mieux, à pacifier par le désarmement, la démobilisation et la réintégration (DDR), plutôt que comme des agents du changement capables de jouer un rôle constructif dans la stabilisation de la paix et la construction d’Etats plus légitimes.

  • Year2012
  • Author(s)Véronique Dudouet, Hans-Joachim Giessmann, Katrin Planta
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The Art of Seeing: Investigating and Transforming Conflicts with Interactive TheatreHandbook Article

Takes as its starting point the uncertainty that remains central in post-war situations even though direct physical threats from through warring factions have been successfully brought to an end. The legacy of the war usually includes a society that is divided into different factions that have hardly any constructive relationships with each other and that lacks a ‘conflict culture’.

  • Year2012
  • Author(s)Hannah Reich
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Security Sector Reform in Developing and Transitional Countries RevisitedHandbook Article

Takes a critical look at the debate on state failure, examining the various ways that state-building programmes have impacted on the successor states of the former Yugoslavia. The author shows how unchallenged assumptions, unrealistic expectations and ignorance of local contexts can lead to political orders being imposed with little regard for domestic legitimacy or locally-driven solutions. Instead of explaining away the predictably poor outcomes, she suggests the need for critical appraisal of those driving the state-building agenda. (The article builds on ideas first contributed to Dialogue Series No 8)
  • Year2011
  • Author(s)Herbert Wulf
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The State of the Art in Conflict TransformationHandbook Article

Points to key concepts from the emergent field of conflict transformation, showing how its ideas and approaches are increasingly being brought into the mainstream. While acknowledging these achievements, the author also cautions that they are sometimes applied inappropriately and highlights the need for further improving the research, coordination and general awareness of conflict transformation options.
  • Year2011
  • Author(s)Louis Kriesberg
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Conflict Transformation and the Corporate Agenda - Opportunities for SynergyHandbook Article

Takes a critical look at the debate on state failure, examining the various ways that state-building programmes have impacted on the successor states of the former Yugoslavia. The author shows how unchallenged assumptions, unrealistic expectations and ignorance of local contexts can lead to political orders being imposed with little regard for domestic legitimacy or locally-driven solutions. Instead of explaining away the predictably poor outcomes, she suggests the need for critical appraisal of those driving the state-building agenda. (The article builds on ideas first contributed to Dialogue Series No 8)
  • Year2011
  • Author(s)Luc Zandvliet
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Evaluating Peacebuilding: Not Yet All It Could BeHandbook Article

Assesses the quality of peacebuilding evaluation work being undertaken in a rapidly professionalizing field. The author gives several examples of good and bad practice and suggests that current evaluation practice is failing to foster accountability and learning quite as well as it could. She explores reasons why evaluation may fall short of established quality standards or stray from its explicitly stated purpose, offering recommendations for improvement to researchers, practitioners and donors alike.
  • Year2011
  • Author(s)Cheyanne Scharbatke-Church
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Conflict, Change and Conflict ResolutionHandbook Article

Sets out a framework for thinking systematically about the relationship between conflict and social change. The author considers the changes necessary to bring about the resolution of conflict, as well as obstacles to such changes, and envisions possible roles for agents of change. (updated for the 2011 print edition)
  • Year2011
  • Author(s)Christopher R. Mitchell
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"Frameworkers" and "Circlers" – Exploring Assumptions in Impact AssessmentHandbook Article

Unpacks some of the hidden hypotheses underlying current assessment methodologies. The author argues that two (ideal type) constituencies interact – and sometimes clash – in development and peacebuilding work. She sets out to clarify their contending perspectives and illustrates ways in which both approaches can enrich each other and further the ultimate task of achieving effective impact monitoring and evaluation. (updated and revised for 2011 print edition)

  • Year2011
  • Author(s)Reina C. Neufeldt
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Preparing for Nonviolence – Experiences in the Western BalkansHandbook Article

Reflects on experiences and lessons learned from an insider activist’s and practitioner’s point of view. The author looks back at over a decade of training practice at the Centre for Nonviolent Action (CNA) in the Western Balkans, offering provocative thoughts on goals and methods, trainer-participant relations and dilemmas such as sustaining momentum, the risk of individual burn-out and the hope for achieving social change. (Updated for the 2011 print edition.)
  • Year2011
  • Author(s)Nenad Vukosavljevic
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