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Explore our publications, from research papers and series to educational materials, covering all aspects of conflict transformation and peace promotion.

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Media-Related Peacebuilding in Processes of Conflict TransformationHandbook Article

Focusing on their constructive potential, the author contextualises the work of media and journalists as actors in peacebuilding processes. He draws on examples from the DRC and Sudan, and discusses the added value of new technologies, in reflecting on how peacebuilding processes can be opened up and made more inclusive - especially locally - by high-quality reporting.

  • Year2015
  • Author(s)Rousbeh Legatis
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Civil Resistance and Conflict TransformationTransitions from armed to nonviolent struggle

This book compiles conceptual and empirical insights on the decision-making process, rationale and determining factors which underlie the strategic shifts undertaken by armed movements towards nonviolent struggle for self-determination or regime change.

Bringing together academics from various disciplinary traditions the book offers a wide range of case studies – including South Africa, Palestine and Egypt – through which to view the changes from violence to nonviolence within self-determination, revolutionary or pro-democracy struggles.

  • Year2015
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State Reform after the Peace Accords: Negotiating and Implementing an Inclusive Political Settlement in El SalvadorIPS Paper No. 13

This paper reviews the historical dynamics of the conflict and the peace process between the FMLN and the Salvadoran state, before analysing the main phases and actors of the informal and formal negotiations. The paper further seeks to determine what the Salvadoran population can possibly expect from the scope of the 1992 Accords more than two decades after they were signed by examining to what extent the needs of the marginalised groups most affected by the political, economic and social situation prior to the war have been taken into account in the accords and their implementation.

  • Year2015
  • Author(s)Roberto Oswaldo López, Aída Carolina Quinteros, Carlos Guillermo Ramos
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Participation on Paper but not in Practice? The South Sudan Constitutional Review ProcessIPS Paper No. 17

This report looks at one of the most important yet contested political processes in South Sudan: the process of drafting a permanent constitution. It takes a social science perspective and focuses, in particular, on the dynamics of inclusion and exclusion in the constitution-making process. The report argues that temporary constitutions negotiated in closed settings can increase conflict levels within a country.

  • Year2015
  • Author(s)Guri Storaas
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The Untold Story of the Workers’ Revolutionary Party in Colombia. The PRT’s Transformation from a Clandestine Party into a Legal Political ActorIPS Paper No. 4

This paper seeks to draw lessons from one of the untold stories about the Colombian armed conflict by analysing both the roots, the ideological foundations and the characteristics of the PRT, as well as its process of negotiation and transformation into a legal political actor. These lessons may be of high value in light of the ongoing peace negotiations between the Colombian government and the FARC-EP.

  • Year2015
  • Author(s)David Rampf
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There is no way around itWe need strong teams for working on fragile and conflict contexts

Working on fragile or conflict contexts is different from work in other projects. The consulting team of a GIZ programme and the individual consultants have to deal with security issues as well as with their own emotionality. National consultants’ personal histories are interlinked with specific conflict issues and actors. This emotionality and how consultants deal with it plays an important role when the consultants interact with the client systems and within their own consulting team. The consultants need to be aware of their own backgrounds and of how to keep the necessary distance to the clients. To deal with tensions and conflicts in the team and rather create a constructive and supportive working atmosphere, the GIZ project or programme manager and the team can strengthen their skills of self-reflection, communication, feedback, peer consulting, and other necessary technical and methodological skills.

  • Year2015
  • Author(s)Uta Giebel, Barbara Unger
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Peace Counts Learning Manual

The Peace Counts Learning Package was developed in the framework of the project Peace Counts. It is directed to multipliers of peace education who would like to work with stories of peacebuilders around the world.

  • Year2015
  • Author(s)Uli Jäger, Nadine Ritzi, Anne Romund
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Erfahrungen zu Steuerung und Führung in einem FriedensentwicklungsvorhabenProgramm Cercapaz 2007 – 2015 / Kolumbien

„Wenn wir die Zeit zurückdrehen könnten, was würden wir mit unserem heutigen Erfahrungsschatz anders machen?“ „In acht Jahren (2007-2015) wurden im Programm Cercapaz knapp 30 Millionen Euro umgesetzt. Welche Potenziale wurden genutzt und welche hätten wir noch besser nutzen können?“ Diese und ähnliche Fragen stellen sich Beteiligte des Programms Cercapaz in dessen Schlussphase. Auch wenn es das deutsch-kolumbianische Friedensprogramm Cercapaz in dieser Form nicht mehr geben wird, können jedoch ähnliche Vorhaben aus den Erfahrungen lernen, indem sie gute Ansätze übernehmen und Fehler vermeiden - und somit die Chance erhöhen, mit den ihnen zur Verfügung stehenden Mitteln möglichst viel positive Veränderung zu erreichen. Die GIZ hat den Anspruch, eine lernende Organisation zu sein. Dieses Dokument soll einen Beitrag dazu leisten, indem es Impulse zur Reflexion und Diskussion gibt.

  • Year2015
  • Author(s)Uta Giebel, Barbara Unger
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The 1991 Colombian National Constituent Assembly: Turning Exclusion into Inclusion, or a Vain Endeavour?IPS Paper No. 1

In order to take stock of this unique experience in Colombian history, this paper conducts an analysis of the actual degree of inclusivity in all four phases of the process: the preparation, negotiation, and the final modification and implementation of the new Constitution of 1991. This paper is part of the research project ‘Avoiding Conflict Relapse through Inclusive Political Settlements and State-building after Intra-State War’, and is one out of four papers written on the case of Colombia.

  • Year2015
  • Author(s)David Rampf, Diana Chavarro
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Erkenntnisse für die Entwicklung und Gestaltung der Management- und Steuerungsstruktur eines Programms der Technischen ZusammenarbeitBeitrag zur Systematisierung von Lernerfahrungen des Friedensprogramms Cercapaz

Das Friedensprogramm Cercapaz mit einer Laufzeit von 8 Jahren und 3 Monaten (2007-2015) wurde in 3 Phasen und pro Phase mit einer jeweils veränderten Management- und Steuerungsstruktur durchgeführt. Das Programm ist damit einen Lernweg gegangen, der es wert ist, ihn nicht nur auf der Ebene der fachlichen Lernerfahrungen zu systematisieren, sondern auch bezüglich der Entwicklung seiner Management- und Steuerungsstruktur. Die Ergebnisse dieses Dokuments basieren auf Interviews, einschlägigen Programmdokumenten sowie Fachliteratur. Die Unterscheidung zwischen Management- und Steuerungsstruktur wird entsprechend der „Landkarte der Logiken“ der GIZ.

  • Year2015
  • Author(s)Elke Breckner, Uta Giebel
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