23 Sept 2021

Peace education meets religion

A manual for multipliers

This manual seeks to support faith-based multipliers who intend to strengthen the peace potential of religions by inspiring and training interested people and groups using peace education methods and approaches.


Cora Bieß, Dagmar Nolden


Religious traditions can play an ambivalent role: in some settings, they can spark violence or act as a powerful driver of conflict. In others, they can be a resource for peaceful actions in being a ‘connector’. Faith-based actors and institutions have a central role in harnessing the religions potential for strengthening social cohesion, building peace and transforming conflict.

Aiming to support the efforts of faith-based multipliers, the manual ‘Peace education meets religion: A manual for multipliers´ offers a collection of 18 basic and in-depth peace education methods for application in and between religious communities around the world. A critical-constructive reflection in 8 points on the topic as well as a guide for facilitators complete the collection of methods.


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