Our Library
Explore our publications, from research papers and series to educational materials, covering all aspects of conflict transformation and peace promotion.
Early Warning and The Field: A Cargo Cult Science?Handbook Article
Introduces early warning activities and identifies different areas of focus, methodologies and mechanisms employed. The author discusses critically whether existing early warning systems can: a) identify the causes of conflict; b) predict the outbreak of conflict; and c) mitigate conflict. (revised for 2004 print edition)
- Year2004
- Author(s)Alex Austin
Designing Transformation and Intervention ProcessesHandbook Article
- Year2004
- Author(s)Thania Paffenholz
Peace and Conflict Impact Assessment MethodologyHandbook Article
Reviews the state of the art in evaluation, focusing on peace and conflict impact assessment (PCIA) methodology from three perspectives: traditional donor evaluations; assessment methodologies in development work; evaluations of conflict resolution and peacebuilding NGOs. (revised for 2004 print edition)
- Year2004
- Author(s)Mark Hoffman
Experiences with Impact Assessment: Can We Know What Good We Do?Handbook Article
Considers how international agencies providing humanitarian assistance, development aid and/or support to peace processes can understand what their impacts are. The article builds on a collaborative learning project and identifies two major challenges: 1) selecting criteria or indicators for assessing progress; and 2) determining who or what particular outcomes can be attributed to. (revised for 2004 print edition)
- Year2004
- Author(s)Mary B. Anderson
Facilitation Skills for Interpersonal TransformationHandbook Article
Describes the most important skills and tools facilitators need in order to enhance capacities at the individual and interpersonal level. The author presents: skills used in moment-by-moment interaction with parties; techniques for facilitating sustained dialogue; and principles of process design for addressing the larger institutional and structural realities of conflicts. (revised for 2004 print edition)
- Year2004
- Author(s)Ron Kraybill
Team and Organisational Development as a Means for Conflict Prevention and ResolutionHandbook Article
Offers conflict transformation approaches for groups, teams and organisations. The authors identify five levels of cooperation within teams (i.e. the level of individual members, the content level, the interaction level, the procedural level and the level of external relations between the group and its environment) and offer suggestions for addressing conflict within teams at each level. (revised for 2004 print edition)
- Year2004
- Author(s)Friedrich Glasl, Rudi Ballreich
From Resolution to Transformation: The Role of Dialogue ProjectsHandbook Article
Presents dialogues as the classical means of constructively dealing with conflicts. The author gives an overview of ideal types and identifies the basic elements of most dialogue processes. He discusses dialogue in the context of various other approaches in order to establish criteria for measuring success. (revised for 2004 print edition)
- Year2004
- Author(s)Norbert Ropers
Conflict Transformation through State ReformHandbook Article
Explores the significance of state reform for transformation of war-torn areas. The author presents three strategic approaches: participatory strategies (i.e. democratisation, strengthening of civil society, dialogue); institution building and institutional reform (i.e. federalisation, decentralisation, constitutional and judicial reform); and security needs (i.e. human rights, human security). (revised for 2004 print edition)
- Year2004
- Author(s)Günter Bächler
Hawks and Doves: Peacekeeping and Conflict ResolutionHandbook Article
Discusses the dual goal of controlling violence while rebuilding cooperative relationships, which calls for an integration of academic approaches with peacekeeping practice. The authors highlight the relevance of conflict resolution theory for peacekeepers, commenting on areas of application and addressing future peacekeeping needs. (revised for 2004 print edition)
- Year2004
- Author(s)Wibke Hansen, Oliver Ramsbotham, Tom Woodhouse
The Role of Development Aid in Conflict Transformation: Facilitating Empowerment Processes and Community BuildingHandbook Article
Highlights the role of development assistance for the structural aspects of peacebuilding. Exploring the nexus between participation, empowerment and conflict transformation, the authors critically discuss the potential of common participatory approaches at the community level and their impact for conflict transformation on the local level. (revised for 2004 print edition).
- Year2004
- Author(s)Christine Bigdon, Benedikt Korf