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Explore our publications, from research papers and series to educational materials, covering all aspects of conflict transformation and peace promotion.
Security Sector Reform: Potentials and Challenges for Conflict TransformationHandbook Dialogue Series No. 2 - complete
Violent crises and internal wars are often consequences of the failure of states to provide stability and security for their citizens. International organisations and development agencies, in order to overcome cultures of violence and to support nation-building processes, have focused on security sector reform as an integral part of third-party intervention in recent years. This issue of the Berghof Handbook Dialogue Series examines the arguments for engagement with the security sector and provides an analysis of the dilemmas that arise, along with suggestions for how they might be overcome.
- Year2004
Consilience of Knowledge for Sustained Positive Peace: A response to the Articles by Cordula Reimann and Hugh MiallHandbook Article Response
The articles by Hugh Miall and Cordula Reimann in Berghof Handbook for Conflict Transformation (2001) attempt to map out a distinct theory of conflict transformation, but in the process they present the field of conflict resolution as a problem-solving theory (herein after, referred individually as ‘Article 1’ and ‘Article 2’, and collectively as ‘the Articles’). Conflict resolution is represented in the Articles by singularity of strategy, target group and as envisaging an end point to conflicts, when parties arrive at a ‘positive sum outcome’ (Miall, 2001:3; Reimann, 2001:13). This leads to a claim that conflict resolution is a relatively simplistic approach to contemporary conflicts (Miall, 2001:1), hence the Articles consider and develop conflict transformation as a more realistic approach to protracted violent conflict situations
- Year2003
- Author(s)Githathevi Kanisin
Peace and Conflict Impact Assessment: Critical Views on Theory and PracticeHandbook Dialogue Series No. 1 - complete
Over the last ten years, interest in conflict prevention and peacebuilding activities has increased significantly. As a result of this interest, there is a high demand for "model" projects, examples of good practice and "lessons learned" which can be transferred to other projects and regions. Supply, though, does not match this demand. There are still no quick and easy answers to the question of how best to assess, monitor and evaluate peace practices. On the contrary, experience shows that assessing and measuring the impact and outcomes of peacebuilding activities is actually a very complicated task. The articles and comments in this first issue of the Berghof Handbook Dialogue Series reflect the state of the art in peace and conflict impact assessment (PCIA) from a variety of angles.
- Year2003
Hacia la transformación de conflictos: evaluación de los enfoques recientes de gestión de conflictosHandbook Article
[Resumen traducido automáticamente] Ofrece una descripción general y una interpretación tentativa del estado del arte en el campo. El autor presenta tres enfoques distintos: resolución de conflictos, resolución de conflictos y transformación de conflictos. Ella revisa la agenda de investigación del campo y las preguntas de investigación, y el papel de la teoría y la metodología. (revisado para la edición impresa de 2004)
- Year2002
- Author(s)Cordula Reimann
Kriz Dönüsümüne Dogru: Kriz Yönetiminde En Son DurumHandbook Article
[Makine tarafından çevrilmiş soyut] Alandaki en son teknolojiye genel bir bakış ve geçici yorum sunar. Yazar üç farklı yaklaşım sunuyor: anlaşmazlık çözümü, anlaşmazlık çözümü ve anlaşmazlık dönüşümü. Alanın araştırma gündemini ve araştırma sorularını ve teori ve metodolojinin rolünü gözden geçirir. (2004 baskı baskısı için revize edildi)
- Year2002
- Author(s)Cordula Reimann
Tendencias y causas del conflicto armadoHandbook Article
[Resumen traducido automáticamente] Ofrece una visión general de los hallazgos actuales sobre las causas de los conflictos armados, identificando la injusticia y la movilización como conceptos clave. El autor comparte ideas sobre dónde buscar señales de una posible escalada, dónde buscar y cómo aprovechar las oportunidades para prevenir una escalada violenta. (revisado para la edición impresa de 2004)
- Year2002
- Author(s)Dan Smith
Kriz Bölgelerinde Savas Çikma Egilimleri ve NedenleriHandbook Article
[Özet makine çevirisi] Silahlı çatışmanın nedenleri hakkındaki mevcut bulgulara genel bir bakış sunarak adaletsizliği ve seferberliği anahtar kavramlar olarak tanımlar. Yazar, potansiyel tırmanma belirtilerinin nerede aranacağına, nerede aranacağına ve şiddet içeren tırmanışı önlemek için fırsatlardan nasıl yararlanılacağına dair içgörüler paylaşıyor. (2004 baskı baskısı için revize edildi)
- Year2002
- Author(s)Dan Smith
Métodos de intervención de terceras partesHandbook Article
[Resumen traducido automáticamente] Revisa varias formas de intervención de terceros (por ejemplo, conciliación, consulta, mediación, mediación de poder, arbitraje y mantenimiento de la paz), centrándose en la mediación. Usando un modelo de contingencia básico, el autor describe qué rol de tercero puede ser más exitoso en qué contexto. Se introducen temas críticos, que incluyen: cultura, asimetrías de poder, sesgos, oportunidad, efectividad, coordinación y ética de la intervención. (actualizado y revisado para la edición impresa de 2011)
- Year2002
- Author(s)Ron Fisher
Üçüncü Taraf Müdahale YöntemleriHandbook Article
[Özet makine çevirisi] Arabuluculuğa odaklanarak çeşitli üçüncü taraf müdahale biçimlerini (örneğin uzlaştırma, danışma, arabuluculuk, iktidar arabuluculuğu, tahkim ve barışı koruma) inceler. Yazar, temel bir beklenmedik durum modeli kullanarak, hangi üçüncü taraf rolünün hangi bağlamda en başarılı olabileceğini özetlemektedir. Kültür, güç asimetrileri, önyargılar, zamanlama, etkililik, koordinasyon ve müdahale etiği dahil olmak üzere kritik konular tanıtılır. (2011 baskı baskısı için güncellenmiş ve revize edilmiştir)
- Year2002
- Author(s)Ron Fisher
Gestión de conflictos mediante la reforma del estadoHandbook Article
[Resumen traducido automáticamente] Explora la importancia de la reforma estatal para la transformación de áreas devastadas por la guerra. El autor presenta tres enfoques estratégicos: estrategias participativas (es decir, democratización, fortalecimiento de la sociedad civil, diálogo); fortalecimiento institucional y reforma institucional (es decir, federalización, descentralización, reforma constitucional y judicial); y necesidades de seguridad (es decir, derechos humanos, seguridad humana). (revisado para la edición impresa de 2004)
- Year2002
- Author(s)Günter Bächler