Read our annual report 2023

Read our annual report 2023

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Explore our publications, from research papers and series to educational materials, covering all aspects of conflict transformation and peace promotion.

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From Resolution to Transformation: The Role of Dialogue ProjectsHandbook Article

Presents dialogues as the classical means of constructively dealing with conflicts. The author gives an overview of ideal types and identifies the basic elements of most dialogue processes. He discusses dialogue in the context of various other approaches in order to establish criteria for measuring success. (revised for 2004 print edition)

  • Year2004
  • Author(s)Norbert Ropers
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Conflict Transformation through State ReformHandbook Article

Explores the significance of state reform for transformation of war-torn areas. The author presents three strategic approaches: participatory strategies (i.e. democratisation, strengthening of civil society, dialogue); institution building and institutional reform (i.e. federalisation, decentralisation, constitutional and judicial reform); and security needs (i.e. human rights, human security). (revised for 2004 print edition)

  • Year2004
  • Author(s)Günter Bächler
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Hawks and Doves: Peacekeeping and Conflict ResolutionHandbook Article

Discusses the dual goal of controlling violence while rebuilding cooperative relationships, which calls for an integration of academic approaches with peacekeeping practice. The authors highlight the relevance of conflict resolution theory for peacekeepers, commenting on areas of application and addressing future peacekeeping needs. (revised for 2004 print edition)

  • Year2004
  • Author(s)Wibke Hansen, Oliver Ramsbotham, Tom Woodhouse
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The Role of Development Aid in Conflict Transformation: Facilitating Empowerment Processes and Community BuildingHandbook Article

Highlights the role of development assistance for the structural aspects of peacebuilding. Exploring the nexus between participation, empowerment and conflict transformation, the authors critically discuss the potential of common participatory approaches at the community level and their impact for conflict transformation on the local level. (revised for 2004 print edition).

  • Year2004
  • Author(s)Christine Bigdon, Benedikt Korf
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The News Media and the Transformation of Ethnopolitical ConflictsHandbook Article

Presents proposals for reporting on ethnopolitical conflicts in a manner that fosters peace. The author offers a basic model to explain the impact of media, as well as discussing NGO activities and a proposal for reform efforts on the European level. (revised for 2004 print edition)

  • Year2004
  • Author(s)Dusan Reljic
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Recovering from Violent Conflict: Regeneration and (Re-)Integration as Elements of PeacebuildingHandbook Article

Argues that (re-)integration of refugees and displaced persons is one of the main challenges and a precondition for conflict transformation. In this process, joint efforts are needed that combine development, economic perspectives and empowerment of local actors for civil-society engagement, peace education and social work. Lessons from the Balkans illustrate that coordination of activities is crucial. (revised for 2004 print edition)
  • Year2004
  • Author(s)Martina Fischer
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Dealing with the Consequences of Organised Violence in Trauma WorkHandbook Article

Discusses theories of trauma by drawing on practical experience in Latin America and the Balkans. It argues that trauma concepts need to be continually reinvented, relating them to the specific context. The author suggests that trauma work should be part of an integrated approach in crisis regions and should address psychological, pedagogical and economic dimensions. (revised for 2004 print edition)
  • Year2004
  • Author(s)David Becker
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Supporting Justice, Co-Existence and Reconciliation after Armed Conflict: Strategies for Dealing with the PastHandbook Article

Explores different approaches to investigating and regulating past injustices in the aftermath of armed conflict. The author reviews the potential and risks associated with tribunals, community courts and truth commissions, and discusses how amnesty, reparation and grassroots initiatives for reconciliation can contribute to conflict transformation. (revised for 2004 print edition)
  • Year2004
  • Author(s)Gunnar Theissen
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Towards Conflict Transformation and a Just PeaceHandbook Article

Deals with the challenges of linking theory, research and practice, and offers strategies for doing so in all relevant areas of social change. The author argues that the structural sources of conflict have been relatively neglected in conflict analysis and in the design of intervention processes. Until this situation is reversed, it will be difficult to generate stable, peaceful and just relationships. (revised for 2004 print edition)

  • Year2004
  • Author(s)Kevin Clements
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Berghof Handbook GlossaryHandbook Article

Writers in the field of conflict studies often use key terms in loose and contradictory ways, reflecting the reality that concepts have not been clearly defined. To encourage coherent usage of these terms the following definitions have been adopted for the purposes of the Berghof Handbook for Conflict Transformation. Nevertheless individual authors on occasion have used some terms in a specific way in relation to the particular argument in their chapter. In these circumstances the special use of the term is clearly explained and otherwise the following definitions are general usage in the Handbook.

  • Year2004
  1. 49
  2. 50
  3. 51
  4. 52
  5. 53
  6. 54
  7. 55
  8. 56

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