Read our annual report 2023

Read our annual report 2023

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Explore our publications, from research papers and series to educational materials, covering all aspects of conflict transformation and peace promotion.

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I Have To Speak (नेपाली भाषा)Voices of Female Ex-Combatants from Aceh, Burundi, Mindanao and Nepal

[सार मेसिन अनुवाद गरिएको]

यस पुस्तिकाले द्वन्द्वमा रहेका केही लुकेका र बिर्सेका आवाजहरूलाई विस्तार गर्न खोज्दछ। विविध राजनीतिक, धार्मिक, जातीय र राष्ट्रिय पृष्ठभूमिका महिला पूर्व लडाकूहरूका यी कथाहरूले महिला र उनीहरूको सशस्त्र द्वन्द्वको अनुभवलाई दिगो शान्तिको लागि गम्भीरताका साथ लिनुपर्दछ भनेर देखाउँदछ।

  • Year2020
  • Author(s)Evelyn Pauls, Tripani Baijali, Alabai Buisan Mikunug, Gypsy Queen Buisan Sumampao, Grace Nitunga, Lila Sharma, Salawati S.Pd
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Saya Harus BicaraSuara Para Perempuan Eks-kombatan dari Aceh, Burundi, Mindanao dan Nepal

Buku ini bertujuan untuk menguatkan suara dari kisah-kisah yang tersembunyi dan terlupakan dalam konflik. Kisah-kisah dari para perempuan eks-kombatan dari beragam latar belakang politik, agama, etnis dan bangsa ini menunjukkan bahwa perempuan dan pengalaman mereka dalam konflik bersenjata harus disimak dengan serius jika hendak membangun perdamaian yang berkelanjutan.

  • Year2020
  • Author(s)Evelyn Pauls, Tripani Baijali, Alabai Buisan Mikunug, Gypsy Queen Buisan Sumampao, Grace Nitunga, Lila Sharma, Salawati S.Pd
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Il Faut Que Je ParleParoles d'Anciennes Combattantes d'Aceh, du Burundi, de Mindanao et du Népal

Cette brochure cherche à amplifier certaines des voix cachées et oubliées dans les conflits. Ces histoires d'ex-combattantes d'origines politiques, religieuses, ethniques et nationales diverses montrent que les femmes et leurs expériences des conflits armés doivent être prises au sérieux pour construire une paix durable.

  • Year2020
  • Author(s)Evelyn Pauls, Tripani Baijali, Alabai Buisan Mikunug, Gypsy Queen Buisan Sumampao, Grace Nitunga, Lila Sharma, Salawati S.Pd
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I Have To SpeakVoices of Female Ex-Combatants from Aceh, Burundi, Mindanao and Nepal

This booklet seeks to amplify some of the hidden and forgotten voices in conflict. These stories of female ex-combatants from diverse political, religious, ethnic and national backgrounds show that women and their experiences of armed conflict have to be taken seriously for building sustainable peace.

  • Year2020
  • Author(s)Evelyn Pauls, Tripani Baijali, Alabai Buisan Mikunug, Gypsy Queen Buisan Sumampao, Grace Nitunga, Lila Sharma, Salawati S.Pd
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Berghof Glossar zu Konflikttransformation und Friedensförderung20 Essays zu Theorie und Praxis

Das Berghof Glossar zur Konflikttransformation und Friedensförderung stellt die wichtigsten Grundprinzipien und -ansätze unserer Arbeit vor, in der wir Menschen und Konfliktparteien auf der ganzen Welt bei ihren Bestrebungen begleiten, eine friedlichere Zukunft zu schaffen.

  • Year2020
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Berghof Glossary on Conflict Transformation20 Notions for Theory and Practice

The 2019 edition of the Berghof Glossary revisits the main principles and approaches that we use in our work to support people and conflict parties around the world. For a second time, our team has embarked on a joint exploration in order to chart a shared understanding of what it takes to create “space(s) for conflict transformation”.

  • Year2019
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Berghof Çatışma Dönüşümü Kavram DiziniTeori ve uygulamaya yönelik 20 kavramlaştırma

Bu kavram dizini, Berghof Vakfı’nın çalışmalarında kullanılan çatışma dönüşümüne ilişkin 20 temel terimi tanımlamakta ve tartışmaktadır. Peki neden yeni bir kavram dizini ve özellikle de çatışmanın dönüştürülmesi alanında bir kavram dizini?

Öncelikle, “çatışma dönüşümü” kavramı, çatışma ve barış inşasına dair küresel söylemin hala nispeten yeni ve ayrı ve bir ayağıdır. Çatışma dönüşümü, çatışmaların varlığını toplumsal değişim ve gelişmenin kıymetli ve hatta vazgeçilmez bir parçası olarak görür, fakat şiddeti çatışan taraflar arasındaki ilişki ve etkileşimlerin kaçınılmaz bir parçası olarak algılamaz. Bu yüzden çatışmaların “çözümünü” uğraşının en önemli ve nihai amacı olarak görmez. Daha ziyade, çatışan özneler arasında yapıcı ilişiler kurmayı ve kalıcı barış için gereken mekanizmaların oluşturulmasına yardımcı olmayı amaçlar. Bunu, sürdürülebilir şiddet-içermeyen stratejileri üstün kılabilecek şekilde, çatışmaların temel nedenlerine nüfuz ederek yapar.

  • Year2018
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Challenging Conventional Wisdom, Transforming Current Practices: A Gendered Lens on PVEBerghof Handbook Dialogue Series No. 13 - comment

In responding to Abu-Nimer’s framing article, this paper offers points of agreement and difference in an effort to deepen our collective understanding of the phenomenon of violent extremism and the responses needed to enable effective transformation. It does so first by offering a conceptual shift to move beyond limitations of the current terminology and discourse. Second, it provides an overview of the relevance of identity to VE with particular attention to the centrality of gender to the ideology, recruitment and action of violent extremists, as well as the importance of women in particular in countering, preventing and providing clear alternatives to such groups. In doing so, it challenges Abu-Nimer’s assertion that the inclusion of women is often externally driven and that they are thus being instrumentalised.

  • Year2018
  • Author(s)Sanam Naraghi-Anderlini
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The Roles of Women in Counter-Radicalisation and Disengagement (CRaD) ProcessesBest Practices and Lessons Learned from Europe and the Arab World

This input paper was provided in the framework of a workshop on the roles of women in counter-radicalisation and disengagement (CRaD) processes organized by the Berghof Foundation in Beirut in August 2017. The author looked into best practices and lessons learned from Europe and the Arab World. She also analysed the dynamics of the workshop and introduced among others the recommendations put forward by the participants.

  • Year2018
  • Author(s)Jennifer Philippa Eggert
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Warbixin lagu qiimeynaayo Colaadaha GobolkaHirshabeelle, Soomaaliya

Warbixintaan waxay ka hadleysaa arimaha Soomaalida khuseeya iyo waxa aay ka aaminsanyihiin colaadda iyo dib u heshiisiinta, gaar ahaan kuwa dega gobolka Hirshabelle. Warbixinta waxay diiradda saareysaa aragtida ku saabsan amniga guud ee degmooyinka, colaad aha noocyadooda kala duwan ee ka jira degmooyinka, arimo muhiim ah oo colaadda huriya, dadka ugu muhiimsan ee colaadda qeybta ka ah, hindisayaasha hadda jira ee colaadda lagu maareyo, caqabadaha hortaagan dhex dhexaadiyasha, iyo baahida iyo shuruudaha ku x iran dib u heshiisiin iyo dhex dhexaadin.

  • Year2018
  • Author(s)Abass Kassim Sheikh
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