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Wadahadalada asaasiga ah ee Dowlad Goboleedka HirshabelleTalooyin Federaalka ku saabsan oo aay dadka deegaanka qeyb ku leeyihiin
Warbixintaan iyo talooyinka la socdo waxa asal u ah mashruuc aay Berghof Foundation 2015-2016ki ka fulisay Dowlad Goboleedka Hirshabelle. Kaasoo lagu magacaabay “Dhismaha Federaalka ayadoo loo maraayo wadahadalka Dawladaha Hoose”. Hal qeyb oo mashruucaasi ka mid ah waxuu ahaa fulinta shirar lix ah oo kala duwan kuwaasoo muddo lix casho ah socday oo aay ku dhawaad 60 qof ka qeybqaateen. Tani waa warbixin soo koobeyso arimihii ugu muhiimsanaa ee lagu falanqeyay lixdaas shirar oo la xiriira habka Federaalka, doorka aay Dawlad Hoose ku leedahay nidaam Federaal ah iyo sida deg degta ah ee uu Gobolka Hirshabelle ugu baahanyahay xalinta khilaafaadka iyo dib u heshiisiin.
- Year2017
- Author(s)Janel B. Galvanek
Collective Trauma and Resilience: Key Concepts in Transforming War-related IdentitiesBerghof Handbook Dialogue Series No. 11 - comment
This contribution was inspired by Berghof Handbook Dialogue issue no. 11, “Transforming War-related Identities. Individual and Social Approaches to Healing and Dealing with the Past” (Austin/Fischer 2016). It offers an additional perspective on transforming-war related identities in the context of protracted violent conflicts.
- Year2017
- Author(s)Cordula Reimann, Ursula König
Berghof Foundation Annual Report 2016
Our Annual Report provides information about the projects that we have worked on together with our partners in 2016. A particular light is shed on our support to national dialogues, an approach that has raised interest among conflict parties in countries that are transitioning from an autocratic system to more participatory governance.
- Year2017
Grass-Roots Dialogue in Hirshabelle StateRecommendations for Locally-Informed Federalism in Somalia
This project report with recommendations has been informed by a project that the Berghof Foundation carried out in 2015-2016 in Hirshabelle State in Somalia entitled “Building Federalism through Local Government Dialogue”. One component of this project entailed the implementation of six separate Somali dialogue assemblies – Shirarka – all taking place over six days with approximately 60 participants. This report is a brief summary of the pertinent issues that were discussed at these six assemblies in relation to the federalization process, the role of local government in a federal system, and the urgent need for conflict resolution and reconciliation in Hirshabelle State.
- Year2017
- Author(s)Janel B. Galvanek
A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing“Post-Junta” Judicial Reform in Myanmar (2010 – 2015)
This publication assesses ongoing and substantive developments towards rule of law and access to justice within the first ‘post-junta’ period (2010-2015) in Myanmar. The paper finds that while there have been some areas of increased freedoms in the country, the judicial system has largely persisted unaltered, remaining poisoned with impunity and lacking true independence. The failure of the first post-junta government to reform the legal system has left the country morally bankrupt and institutionally insolvent.
- Year2017
- Author(s)Ashley Pritchard
الحوار الوطني في تونس عام ٢٠١٣إدارة األزمة السياسية
[ملخص مترجم آليًا]
هذا المنشور هو واحد من سبع دراسات حالة ؛ وتشمل الدول الأخرى غواتيمالا ولبنان وليبيا ومالي ونيبال والسودان. تقدم دراسات الحالة توصيات للعمليات الجارية في بلد معين وتفيد نتائج الدليل. الهدف العام للمشروع هو تحسين الحوارات الوطنية وتعزيز قدرات ومساهمات أطراف النزاع وأصحاب المصلحة المحليين والجهات الفاعلة الخارجية من أجل تنفيذها بنجاح.
- Year2017
- Author(s)Rikke Hostrup Haugbølle, Amine Ghali, Hèla Yousfi, Mohamed Limam, Nina Grønlykke Mollerup
Manual de Diálogos NacionalesGuía para practicantes (Resumen ejecutivo)
Basado en una serie de casos prácticos actuales, este Manual pretende contribuir al debate incipiente sobre el Diálogo Nacional, aportando percepciones y experiencias de diversas regiones. El Manual tiene un doble propósito: (1) ofrecer un marco analítico de Diálogos Nacionales y (2) servir de instrumento práctico para aquellos que participan en la implementación de estos procesos. También aborda el rol de los actores externos y cómo estos pueden respaldar mejor los procesos relativos a los Diálogos Nacionales, pero, en particular, se centra en aquellos que llevan la batuta de la toma de decisiones con respecto al diseño y a la dirección e implementación de los procesos de los Diálogos Nacionales.
- Year2017
National Dialogue HandbookA guide for practitioners (Executive Summary)
Grounded in a series of contemporary case studies, this Handbook aims to contribute to the nascent debate about National Dialogue, bringing together insights and expertise from diverse regions. The purpose of the Handbook is twofold: (1) to offer an analytical framework of National Dialogues and (2) to serve as a practical tool for those engaged in the implementation of these processes. It also addresses the role of external actors and how they can best support National Dialogue processes, but it is focused primarily on those who are in the driver’s seat when it comes to decisions on the design, conduct and implementation of National Dialogue processes.
- Year2017
Manuel de dialogue nationalGuide à l’attention des praticiens (Résumé analytique)
Basé sur une série d’études de cas contemporains, ce manuel aspire à contribuer au débat naissant sur le dialogue national, en faisant se rencontrer les pers-pectives et les expertises de diverses régions. Le but du manuel est double : (1) offrir un cadre analytique aux dialogues nationaux et (2) servir d’outil pratique à ceux qui sont engagés dans la mise en œuvre de ces processus. Il traite également du rôle des acteurs extérieurs et des meilleures façons dont ils peuvent soutenir les processus de dialogues nationaux. Il se concentre cependant principalement sur ceux qui sont aux postes de commande quand il s’agit de prendre les décisions sur la conception, la conduite et la mise en œuvre des processus de dialogues nationaux.
- Year2017
National Dialogues and DevelopmentNational Dialogue Handbook: Conceptual Studies
The article considers the potential for National Dialogues to create substantial development outcomes that go beyond immediate political and security settlements. Using insights from various National Dialogue processes, the conditions, dynamics and potential barriers to these outcomes are explored. The article also describes entry points and strategies for external development actors to contribute to the attainment of substantial development outcomes in transition processes that include National Dialogues.
- Year2017
- Author(s)Henrik Hartmann