Infrastructures for peace and environmental peacebuilding in Galmudug and Hirshabelle State, Somalia

This project focuses on the nexus between climate change and conflict in these two federal member states and is part of the Peace Pillars Consortium.
Timeframe: 2023 - 2025
The project “Infrastructures for Peace and Environmental Peacebuilding in Hirshabelle and Galmudug State, Somalia” builds on already established infrastructures for peace (I4P) that the Berghof Foundation has developed in previous projects in the two federal member states and focuses on the nexus between climate change and conflict. The project is part of the Peace Pillars Consortium, managed by adelphi and funded by the German Federal Foreign Office.
The overarching objective of the project is to contribute to the constructive transformation of the conflict cycle, climate change and environmental degradation in the two federal states with an environmental peacebuilding approach.
For this purpose, the project team conducts several different activities:
In order to support focused and sustainable conflict transformation processes in selected hotspots of protracted clan conflict that strongly exhibit the nexus of conflict, climate change and environmental degradation, the project team creates Climate Security Action Plans for the hotspots regions and conducts intra-clan and inter-clan consultations and dialogues.
Another central component of the project is the strengthening of existing infrastructures for peace. The project aims to conduct strategic coordination workshops and capacity-development workshops with civil society actors, members of the regional Insider Peacebuilders Networks (IPNs) and government representatives on the topics of conflict transformation and environmental peacebuilding.
Additionally, in order to strengthen community awareness and resilience, the project team support local mediation activities of the IPNs, conduct large-scale dialogue assemblies (“Shirarka”) in towns of Hirshabelle and develop two radio-shows that airs monthly in each federal state.
The two Somali federal states Hirshabelle and Galmudug, located in central and northwest Somalia, have experienced many local conflicts, often revolving along clan lines and focusing on access to political power and natural resources.
In recent years, the situation has become more difficult for Somali communities due to climate change. Extreme weather events have increased dramatically. Droughts, floods and sandstorms are impeding the livelihoods of millions of Somalis, especially in the rural areas that are home to traditional pastoralists and farmers. The effects of climate change are clearly visible throughout the country and will get even more severe in the upcoming years. Local conflicts, mostly about natural resources such as water, pastures or farming land, are being exacerbated by climate change and are turning violent more frequently. Without addressing climate change and the impact it is having on the Somali communities, sustainable peace agreements will be difficult to achieve.
But both federal states are also home to many engaged civil society actors that are working tediously for better livelihoods, reconciliation and a sustainable peace. For many years, the Berghof Foundation has been working closely together with these actors of change in order to build stronger infrastructures for peace, social cohesion and an increased awareness and understanding for the challenges ahead. Over the years, the project team has established Insider Peacebuilders Networks (IPNs) in Hirshabelle and Galmudug that are an inclusive group of peacebuilders and insider mediators, actively working for peace in their communities.
Partners and Funding
The Berghof Foundation works closely together with the state administrations in Galmudug and Hirshabelle. The project is part of the Peace Pillars Consortium that is led by the Berlin-based climate think tank adelphi.
The project is generously funded by the German Federal Foreign Office.
Watch this video with our Peace Pillars Consortium partner adelphi on climate challenges in Somalia:
Updates from this work:
- Video: Dialogue for peace 19 Sept 2024
- International Day of Peace 2023: Climate awareness in Iraq and Somalia 21 Sept 2023
- Video: Iraq and Somalia: Local responses to climate change 20 Sept 2023
Project lead
Pascal Grimm
Project Manager
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Team members
Abass Kassim Sheikh
Mohamud Hassan Abdi
Sharif Abukar Ahmed
Mir Mubashir
Media contact
You can reach the press team at:
+49 (0) 177 7052758
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