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Community members from Bulla Burte engaged in the Climate Security & Conflict Transformation workshop led by IPN members.

Combining technology with storytelling in Hirshabelle State, Somalia

Information and communication technologies offer opportunities for bringing people together and for joint learning. Read how insider peacebuilders use technology and storytelling in Somalia.

  • Impact
Buenos Aires, Argentina; Sept 24, 2021: Hands with a cellphone taking pictures of protesters during the Global Climate Strike. Concept: the role of technology and social networks in protests.

Video | Event series: National Dialogues at crossroadsNational Dialogues x Digitalisation

Watch the launch event of our paper “National Dialogues x Digitalisation” to learn about opportunities and risks of using digital technologies in National Dialogues.

  • event 22 Nov 2023
A man lifts a pan with an image of Colombia's President Ivan Duque that reads "dialogue" during a  protest march combined with concerts as a national strike continues in Medellin, Colombia Dec 22, 2019.

Video | Event series: National Dialogues at crossroadsNational Dialogues x Protest Movements

Learn about challenges and opportunities of organising National Dialogues in the context of social protests from the launch event of our latest paper on this topic.

  • event 7 Dec 2023
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National Dialogues at crossroads: A seriesNational Dialogues x Digitalisation

How does digitalisation shape National Dialogues? To what extent can National Dialogues contribute to shaping digitalisation? National Dialogues are nationally-owned political processes aimed at generating consensus among a broad range of national stakeholders. They can be implemented in times of deep political crisis, in post-war situations or during far-reaching political transition processes that impact the society at large. In this paper, Andreas Hirblinger analyses how digital technologies impact National Dialogue and how they can be used to support such processes.

  • Year 2023
  • Author(s) Andreas Hirblinger
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National Dialogues at crossroads: A seriesNational Dialogues x Protest Movements

What are the challenges for organising a National Dialogue process in the context of popular uprisings? What are opportunities for National Dialogues to be successful when active social movements are involved? In this paper, Isabel Bramsen analyses how National Dialogue processes need to be designed, conducted and implemented to allow for inclusive change through the involvement of protest movements.

  • Year 2023
  • Author(s) Isabel Bramsen
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National Dialogues at crossroadsA series

This series analyses how to best integrate cross-cutting topics in the design of National Dialogues and how to meaningfully include specific societal groups.

  • Collection 3 items
Fatou Baldeh (Women in Liberation and Leadership, Gambia) highlights how transitional justice mechanisms can help to amplify the voices of women.

Peace conference launched in Berlin in response to escalating conflicts“The Berlin Moot: Reshaping Peace” will take place for the first time in April

Hosted by the Berghof Foundation, the conference will offer an opportunity for global experts and mediators to pioneer new approaches to peacemaking.

  • press release 31 Jan 2024
Ukrainian servicemen evacuate a man by a boat from a flooded neighborhood in Kherson, Ukraine, in June 2023.

From silent victim to bridgebuilder: The potential of environmental peacebuilding in Ukraine

Our colleague Mariia Levchenko shares insights how environmental rehabilitation can go hand in hand with social cohesion programmes in Ukraine.

  • blog post 11 Mar 2024
  • Author(s) Mariia Levchenko
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National Dialogue and peacemaking

This eight-week online course provides an in-depth understanding of National Dialogues and how to prepare, conduct and implement them.

  • Course Sept 2024
The Humboldt Forum in Berlin will host The Berlin Moot from 17- 18 April 2024.

Less than two weeks to go: International peacemakers to gather in Berlin

Numerous high-ranking guests are expected to attend this year's inaugural event, including government representatives.

  • press release 4 Apr 2024
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