Read takeaways from THE BERLIN MOOT 2024

Read takeaways from THE BERLIN MOOT 2024

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Explore our publications, from research papers and series to educational materials, covering all aspects of conflict transformation and peace promotion.

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Hacia la transformación de conflictos: evaluación de los enfoques recientes de gestión de conflictosHandbook Article

[Resumen traducido automáticamente] Ofrece una descripción general y una interpretación tentativa del estado del arte en el campo. El autor presenta tres enfoques distintos: resolución de conflictos, resolución de conflictos y transformación de conflictos. Ella revisa la agenda de investigación del campo y las preguntas de investigación, y el papel de la teoría y la metodología. (revisado para la edición impresa de 2004)

  • Year2002
  • Author(s)Cordula Reimann
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Üçüncü Taraf Müdahale YöntemleriHandbook Article

[Özet makine çevirisi] Arabuluculuğa odaklanarak çeşitli üçüncü taraf müdahale biçimlerini (örneğin uzlaştırma, danışma, arabuluculuk, iktidar arabuluculuğu, tahkim ve barışı koruma) inceler. Yazar, temel bir beklenmedik durum modeli kullanarak, hangi üçüncü taraf rolünün hangi bağlamda en başarılı olabileceğini özetlemektedir. Kültür, güç asimetrileri, önyargılar, zamanlama, etkililik, koordinasyon ve müdahale etiği dahil olmak üzere kritik konular tanıtılır. (2011 baskı baskısı için güncellenmiş ve revize edilmiştir)

  • Year2002
  • Author(s)Ron Fisher
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Kriz Dönüsümüne Dogru: Kriz Yönetiminde En Son DurumHandbook Article

[Makine tarafından çevrilmiş soyut] Alandaki en son teknolojiye genel bir bakış ve geçici yorum sunar. Yazar üç farklı yaklaşım sunuyor: anlaşmazlık çözümü, anlaşmazlık çözümü ve anlaşmazlık dönüşümü. Alanın araştırma gündemini ve araştırma sorularını ve teori ve metodolojinin rolünü gözden geçirir. (2004 baskı baskısı için revize edildi)

  • Year2002
  • Author(s)Cordula Reimann
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Conflict Transformation through Educational and Youth ProgrammesHandbook Article

Debates opportunities and limits for conflict transformation through youth and educational work. The author explores theoretical and conceptual approaches, catalogues key methodologies, learning principles and desired outcomes for both formal and informal education. She also addresses on-going challenges.

  • Year2001
  • Author(s)Stephanie Schell-Faucon
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Participatory Action-Research in Post-Conflict Situations: The Example of the War-Torn Societies ProjectHandbook Article

Presents the case study of the UN-sponsored War-Torn Societies Project, which promotes a multi-level approach in order to facilitate conflict transformation on the ground and empower local/indigenous actors. (For current developments and projects, please refer to the website of the NGO Interpeace, which WSP has now evolved into:

  • Year2001
  • Author(s)Agneta Johannsen
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Methods of Third-Party InterventionHandbook Article

Reviews various forms of third-party intervention (e.g. conciliation, consultation, mediation, power mediation, arbitration and peacekeeping), focusing on mediation. Using a basic contingency model, the author outlines which third-party role may be most successful in which context. Critical issues are introduced, including: culture, power asymmetries, biases, timing, effectiveness, coordination and the ethics of intervention. (updated and revised for 2011 print edition)
  • Year2001
  • Author(s)Ron Fisher
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Transforming Cultural Conflict in an Age of ComplexityHandbook Article

Focuses on three distinct ways in which culture affects conflicts: culture as a lens that facilitates or blocks effective communication; culture and world view differences as the subject of conflicts; conflicts related to identity and recognition as facets of cultural differences. The author discusses challenges and concrete recommendations for process design in culturally-complex conflicts.

  • Year2001
  • Author(s)Michelle LeBaron
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Friedliche EinmischungStrukturen, Prozesse und Strategien zur konstruktiven Bearbeitung ethnopolitischer Konflikte (Report Nr. 1)

Die Hoffnungen auf eine friedliche Welt nach dem Ende des Ost-West-Konflikts sind verflogen. Zwischen 1988 und 1990 schien die Zahl der Kriege zurückzugehen. Danach hat sich jedoch der bereits seit 1960 bestehende Trend einer nahezu kontinuierlichen Zunahme der Zahl militärischer Konflikte wieder durchgesetzt. 1993 zählte die niederländische PIOOM-Forschungsgruppe insgesamt 22 Kriege mit mehr als 1.000 Todesopfern und 84 Kriege mit einer geringeren Opferzahl.

  • Year1995
  • Author(s)Norbert Ropers
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Peaceful InterventionStructures, Processes and Strategies for the Constructive Regulation of Ethnopolitical Conflicts

The hopes for a more peaceful world following the end of the East–West conflict have evaporated. Between 1988 and 1990, the number of wars seemed to decline. After that, however, the trend that had existed since 1960 towards a virtually continuous increase in the number of military conflicts resumed. In 1993, the Netherlands-based PIOOM research group recorded a total of twenty-two wars involving over 1,000 deaths, and eighty-four wars involving a lesser number of victims.

  • Year1995
  • Author(s)Norbert Ropers
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